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outlining fingerings

From: Peter Terpstra
Subject: outlining fingerings
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 11:18:54 +0200
User-agent: KNode/0.10.5

Dear readers,

Its about fingerings for guitar.
The first voice is okay, but the second and the third voice is a bit messy.
I tried something with "\set fingeringOrientations" but the effect gos only
to the first bar.

My .ly file:
\version "2.8.1"

#(set-global-staff-size 22.45)

\header {
        composer = "Anonymous"
        crossRefNumber = "2"
        footnotes = "still experimenting (P)"
        tagline = " ---   LilyPond (edited by Zero)  --- "
        title = "La Rossignol"
        metre = "96"
        enteredby = "Zero"

flat = \markup { \raise #0.4 \smaller \musicglyph #"accidentals--2" }
sharp = \markup { \raise #0.6 \smaller \musicglyph #"accidentals-2" }
textcodaysym = \markup { \hspace #1 \raise #1.1 \musicglyph #"scripts-coda"}

GuitarXBAVoiceA = \relative c' {
        \set Staff.instrument = #"Guitar 1 "
        \clef G
        \key g \major
        \time 4/4 
        g''8-2 fis-1 e-0 fis-1 g-2 fis-1 g-2 a-4 |  %2
        b4-4 a8-4 g-2 fis-1 e-0 d-3 cis!-2 |   % 3
        b-0 cis!-2 d4-3 c!8-1 d e4-0 | %4
        d8-3 e-0 fis-2 d-3 b-0 c-1 d-3 b-0 | %5
GuitarXBAVoiceB = \relative c' {
        s1 s   % 3
        s  s   %5
GuitarXBAVoiceC = \relative c' {
        c1\rest c1\rest   % 3
        c1\rest c1\rest  % 5
GuitarXBA = \simultaneous {
        \context Voice="GuitarXBAVoiceA" \GuitarXBAVoiceA
        \context Voice="GuitarXBAVoiceB" \GuitarXBAVoiceB
        \context Voice="GuitarXBAVoiceC" \GuitarXBAVoiceC
GuitarXCBVoiceA = \relative c' {
        \set Staff.instrument = #"Guitar 2 "
        \clef G
        \key g \major
        \time 4/4 
        e'2.-0 fis4-2 | g2-2 a-4 |   % 3
        b-4 a4-4 g-2 | fis2-1 g-3 |    % 5
GuitarXCBVoiceB = \relative c' {
        \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)                   
        < g'-0 b-0 > 1s   % 3
        \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
        s d'2-2 b-0   % 5
GuitarXCBVoiceC = \relative c' {
        \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
        \stemDown e,4-0 e'-1 e,2-0 d'4\rest e2-1 fis4-3   % 3
        \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
        d\rest g-0 a,2-0 b-1 g-2   % 5  
GuitarXCB = \simultaneous {
        \context Voice="GuitarXCBVoiceA" \GuitarXCBVoiceA
        \context Voice="GuitarXCBVoiceB" \GuitarXCBVoiceB
        \context Voice="GuitarXCBVoiceC" \GuitarXCBVoiceC
\score {
        \relative <<
                \context Staff = cGuitarXBAA <<
                        \context Voice = cGuitarXBAVoiceA \GuitarXBAVoiceA
                        \context Voice = cGuitarXBAVoiceB \GuitarXBAVoiceB
                        \context Voice = cGuitarXBAVoiceC \GuitarXBAVoiceC

                \context Staff = cGuitarXCBA <<
                        \context Voice = cGuitarXCBVoiceA \GuitarXCBVoiceA
                        \context Voice = cGuitarXCBVoiceB \GuitarXCBVoiceB
                        \context Voice = cGuitarXCBVoiceC \GuitarXCBVoiceC

                \set Score.skipBars = ##t
                \set Score.melismaBusyProperties = #'()
%%\layout { ragged-right= ##t }
\paper {
        linewidth = 170.000 \mm
        textheight = 250.000 \mm


The pdf file:

With kind regards,



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