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Re: Hard-to-engrave bits involving polyphony

From: Neil Puttock
Subject: Re: Hard-to-engrave bits involving polyphony
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 15:08:23 +0100

Hi Benjamin,

First off, I have a situation like this:

\relative c'' {
    << { f8 e ~ <c e> <c e> } \\
       { c4 s4 } >>

where I need the c4 tied to the c in the first <c e>—in other words, I have
a chord where one note needs to be tied to a note in the same voice and the
other note is tied to a note from a different voice!  What's more, I need an
arpeggio to the left of the first notes (the c and the f).  How can I
accomplish this?

For the tie issue, if you create an invisible note in the second voice, you can fake a tie between the two voices:

wipeNote = {
    \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
    \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t

\relative c'' {
    << { f8 e ~ <c e> <c e> } \\
       { c4 ~ \wipeNote c } >>

Secondly, I have a similar situation involving polyphony:

\relative c'' {
    << { a8 d } \\
       { e,8 a } >>

where the first a8 needs to be tied to the second a.

I can't really help you with this, unless it's possible for the a's to be in the same voice, i.e.

\relative c'' {
   << { a8 ~ \stemDown a } \\
      { e8 \stemUp d' } >>

Finally, I have a grace note situation like this:

\relative c' {
    << { c4 e g r } \\ { s2 s4 s8 \acciaccatura b8 s8 } >>
    \acciaccatura b8 c1

where I need both grace notes tied to the c1

Using \aftergrace and \grace with an override for the acciaccatura stroke will allow you to keep this in one voice, which solves the slur problem:

\relative c' {
    c4 e g \override Stem #'stroke-style = #"grace"
    \afterGrace r b8( \grace b8 \revert Stem #'stroke-style c1)


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