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grace notes collisions

From: Robert Edge
Subject: grace notes collisions
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 18:31:26 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

  I'm having trouble avoiding collisions in the following case, can anyone point
me at some relevant documentation or example code?

\version "2.10.25"

  ragged-last = ##t

  \time 2/4
  %% grace notes collide with the triplet beam here:
  gis'8[ cis''] \appoggiatura{ gis'16[ cis''] } \times 2/3 { ais'8[ gis'
\appoggiatura{ gis'16[ cis''] } ais'8~] } 

  %% if I could make the notehead for the high d invisible it would solve my
  gis'8[ cis''] \appoggiatura{ gis'16[ cis''] } \stemUp \times 2/3 { ais'8[
<gis' d''> \appoggiatura{ gis'16[ cis''] } ais'8~] } 

  %% however, this attempt to do that fails to compile:
  %%  gis'8[ cis''] \appoggiatura{ gis'16[ cis''] } \stemUp 
  %%  \times 2/3 { ais'8[ <gis' \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
d''> \appoggiatura{ gis'16[ cis''] } ais'8~] } 


I'm using 2.10.25, I tried the latest testing and got the same results.

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