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Positioning of noteheads in a chord?

From: Matthias Böhringer
Subject: Positioning of noteheads in a chord?
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 15:29:40 +0200

Hello all,

I searched the documentation, the archives and the snippet repository,
however, I could not find a solution to my problem:

In the following code, the last few notes have an alternative, which
is indicated by a smaller size of the notes.

In the chord <fis g>8 I would like the main note (fis) to appear on
the right side of the stem, but lilypond automagically sets the fis to
the left side and the g to the right.

=======begin snippet=====
\version "2.10.17"
\include ""
myStaffSize = #20
#(set-global-staff-size myStaffSize)

\paper{ #(define fonts
         (make-pango-font-tree "Lido STF"
                               "Lido STF"
                               (/ myStaffSize 20)))

        annotate-spacing = ##f
        ragged-bottom = ##t
        left-margin = 2\cm
        line-width = 18\cm
        page-top-space = 0\cm

\header {
        title = "Lob Gott getrost mit Singen"
        composer = "Friedrich Zipp"
        subtitle = "EG 243"

\score {
\new Staff <<
        { \clef "F" \key g \major \time 4/4  g4-- g8-. [ g8-. ]
        <fis \tweak #'font-size #-2 g>8-. [ <fis \tweak #'font-size #-2 g>8-. ]
        <e \tweak #'font-size #-2 a>8-. [ <e \tweak #'font-size #-2 a>8-. ] |
        <g \tweak #'font-size #-2 h>2.-- \bar "|." }
\layout { indent = #0 }
======end snippet======

Is there a \tweak or \override, that I overlooked in my search?

Is there a way to reverse the position of these two noteheads?

Liebe Grüße, Matthias
Matthias Böhringer
Brunnenstraße 6
72296 Schopfloch-Unteriflingen

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