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Re: PhrasingSlur-Slur conflict

From: Sean Reed
Subject: Re: PhrasingSlur-Slur conflict
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 16:10:52 +0000

Hi Graham,

Thanks for the reply.
I've put together what I think is a relatively straightforward, step- by-step presentation of the problem I'm having.
Hope it helps.
I added the second bar of eights because the effect is more noticeable in a narrower bar.



\version "2.11.0"

% all looks fine; one outer PhrasingSlur and a small Slur in the MIDDLE of the gesture
        \relative c' {
                c'16\( f, f f f f f( f f f f) f f f f c'\) |
                f8 f f f f f f f |

% huge PhrasingSlur by adding a small Slur on the first two notes
        \relative c' {
                c'16\(( f,) f f f f f( f f f f) f f f f c'\) |
                f8 f f f f f f f |

% now you can't make the PhrasingSlur smaller by adjusting height- limit; (can make it larger, however)
        \override PhrasingSlur #'height-limit = #0.1
        %\override PhrasingSlur #'height-limit = #20.1
        \relative c' {
                c'16\(( f,) f f f f f( f f f f) f f f f c'\) |
                f8 f f f f f f f |

% PhrasingSlur looks better when changing the Cs to Fs, but still much larger than the first example
        \relative c' {
                f16\(( f) f f f f f( f f f f) f f f f f\) |
                f8 f f f f f f f |

% note: all looks fine if the PhrasingSlur is automatically placed above the notes with the smaller Slur below the notes
        \relative c' {
                c'16\(( f,) r8 f16 f f( f f f f) f f f f c'\) |
                f8 f f f f f f f |

Sean Reed

On 30 Nov 2006, at 02:51, Graham Percival wrote:

Sean Reed wrote:
I'm getting extremely huge phrasing slurs now and again when the first note of the phrase is also a short normal slur within the phrasing slur.
\version "2.11.0"
r16.[ f'32-. f'8-.] r4 c''32(\([ f') r8 f'32 f'] r8.[ a'16(] |
f'8)[ r8] r8[ a'32 a'\) r16] r16.[ c''32(\( f'8)] r8[ f'16 f'\)] |

This looks like a bug. Could you create an easier-to-understand example that displays the same behavior? (ie try to create an example using simple rhythms and only a few different notes)

- Graham

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