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Re: first-page-number (possible bug here?)

From: Rick Hansen (aka RickH)
Subject: Re: first-page-number (possible bug here?)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 13:24:24 -0700 (PDT)

Could a possible work-around be a math expression like ( +
page:page-number-string ( - myStartPage 1 ) ) this way as long as I know
lilypond always starts with 1 I can always add my starting page offset
value?  (I'm not enough of a programmer to actually code this kind of
work-around, but it's an idea if this does turn out to be a bug.)

Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
> I believe I've uncovered a bug in page numbering, but wanted to run it by
> here first.  In the example below I explicitely initialize the
> "first-page-number" to #4.  In the footer markup I use the expression:
> \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string
> to display the page numbers mirrored even/odd for 2 side printing.
> The problem is that the page number still comes out as 1 even though I
> told it the first page number must be 4.  It appears as though lilypond is
> not initializing the "page:page-number-string" properly at the outset.
> Is there a work-around for this?  (I cant abandon the use of custom
> odd/evenFooterMarkup properties because I will be programatically building
> this source code from a copyright database that I have in another
> application).  So any work-around should still use custom odd/even footer
> markup.
> The example below will run as-is, using version 2.9.18
> thanks
> Rick
> \version "2.9.18"
> \include ""
> #(set-default-paper-size "letter" 'portrait)
> \paper {
>    paper-height = 11.0\in
>    paper-width = 8.5\in
>    line-width = 7.7\in
>    left-margin = 0.4\in
>    top-margin = 0.25\in
>    bottom-margin = 0.25\in
>    page-top-space = 0.0\in
>    foot-separation = 0.0\in
>    head-separation = 0.0\in
>    after-title-space = 0.0\in
>    between-title-space = 0.0\in
>    horizontal-shift = 0.0\in
>    annotate-spacing = ##f
>    between-system-padding = #1
>    between-system-space = #30
>    first-page-number = #4
>    printfirst-page-number = ##f
>    print-page-number = ##f
>    oddFooterMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { \hspace #0 { \bold
> \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } } }
>    evenFooterMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { { \bold \fromproperty
> #'page:page-number-string } \hspace #0 } }
> }
>    \new Staff \with {
>    }
>    {
>          \clef "treble"
>          \key c \major
>          \time 4/4
>          \relative c'' {
>             %1
>             af8. g16 f8. ef16 f4. g8
>             |
>             %2
>             bf8. af16 g8. f16 af4. bf8
>             |
>             %3
>             ef8. d16 c8. bf16 c2
>             |
>             %4
>             r2 r4 d4
>             |
>             %5
>             f8. ef16 d8. c16 d4 ef
>             |
>          }
>    }

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