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Re: I want to print bar numbers every 5 measures

From: Kim Shrier
Subject: Re: I want to print bar numbers every 5 measures
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 14:42:40 -0600

Thanks.  That solved the misconception.


On Aug 18, 2006, at 12:38 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi, Kim:

I must be missing something obvious.

Yep!  ;-)

I have read the manual and looked at the example in

But your code doesn't include the parts of that example which are necessary to affect change you want!!??

e.g., the \context Score \applyContext... stuff in this edited version:

\version "2.9.14"

    title = "6 part consort music"

\paper {
    #(set-paper-size "letter")

twentyBars =
\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line- invisible %% turn off auto-numbering \context Score \applyContext #(set-bar-number-visibility 4) %% first num @ 5
        \repeat "unfold" 4 { c4 c c c }
\context Score \applyContext #(set-bar-number-visibility 5) %% num @ every 5
        \repeat "unfold" 16 { c4 c c c }

    \new ChoirStaff \relative
                \new Staff { \twentyBars }
             \new Staff { \twentyBars }
             \new Staff { \twentyBars }
             \new Staff { \twentyBars }
             \new Staff { \twentyBars }
             \new Staff { \twentyBars }

    \layout {
        \context {
            \override BarNumber #'padding = #3
            \override RehearsalMark #'padding = #2
            skipBars = ##t
        \context {
            \consists Ambitus_engraver


Hope this helps!

p.s. Note that I changed your StaffGroup to a ChoirStaff in my version -- that's what I would use, because barlines carry through an entire StaffGroup, and sometimes interfere with the lyrics...

 Kim Shrier - principal, Shrier and Deihl - mailto:address@hidden
Remote Unix Network Admin, Security, Internet Software Development
  Tinker Internet Services - Superior FreeBSD-based Web Hosting

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