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Re: Can you add blank pages in Lilypond?

From: Panteck
Subject: Re: Can you add blank pages in Lilypond?
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 11:40:28 -0700

Thanks for your help, Graham! That worked perfectly for breaks that occur between movements. For breaks that occur during movements, I came up with a snippet that almost does what I want. The only problem is that I'm not good enough with Scheme to get the set bar number line working. Any Scheme experts out there know how to programatically subtract 1 from the current bar number?

blankPage =

\once \override Staff.Clef #'transparent = ##t
\once \override Staff.KeySignature #'transparent = ##t
\once \override Score.BarNumber #'transparent = ##t
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = 0
\stopStaff s1*1/64 \startStaff
% \set Score.currentBarNumber = #(- (ly:context-property context 'currentBarNumber) 1)

\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -10.0 . -60.0 )
s1*63/64 _\markup { "(this page has been left blank to facilitate page turning)" }
\bar " "

\revert Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count
\stopStaff \startStaff



----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Percival" <address@hidden>
To: "Panteck" <address@hidden>
Cc: <address@hidden>
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: Can you add blank pages in Lilypond?

Panteck wrote:
I'm using Lilypond 2.8.4 on Windows XP.

I'm trying to optimize page turns in a double-sided printing scenario, and need to add blank pages in the PDF at appropriate locations. Is it possible to add a completely blank page (or a page that says "This page intentionally left blank") in Lilypond? I've tried multiple \pageBreaks in a row, and having an empty \score { } \header { breakbefore = ##t } block, but neither one works. I searched the web and found lots of examples of how to create a bunch of empty staffs, but not how to create just a blank page. Has anyone else figured out a solution to this problem?

I'm using lilypond-book, so I \lilypondfile{} this file. To use this inside lilypond, remember that you can just have a \markup on its own (ie no \score). If you add breakbefore headers to this file and the following movement, you should be able to get it to work.

\version "2.9.6"
\markup{ \fill-line{ \column {
  \hspace #1
  \hspace #1
  \hspace #1
  \hspace #1
  \hspace #1
  \hspace #1
  \hspace #1
  \hspace #1
  \hspace #1
  \hspace #1
  \hspace #1
  \hspace #1
  \line { (this page has been left blank to facilitate page turning) }

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