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Re: Converting 2.4 to 2.8

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: Converting 2.4 to 2.8
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2006 09:05:57 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20060516)

Fairchild wrote:
Please acknowledge receipt - expect files are to large for the list.

I got them.

_\markup { \postscript #"0.17 setline-width -0.1 7.3 moveto 0 4.0 rlineto
causes pdf failure with message `gs -q -dNOSAFER -dCompatibilityLevel#1.4 -sPAPERSIZE#"letter"
         -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r1200  -sDEVICE#pdfwrite
         -c .setpdfwrite -f ""' failed (1)

I don't know how postscript works, but try creating this in a separate file -- actually, this applies to just about everything. Don't try to do all your tweaks in a file; start off with

mysymbol = \markup { \postscript #"blah blah"}
{ c'4_\mysymbol }

play with this small example until you have the tweak working, and then add it to your real file.

2.8 pdf is 272 KB vs. 69 KB for 2.4

2.8 turns point-and-click on by default. In 2.4 PnC information couldn't be included in pdf, but in 2.8 it can. Turning point-and-click off should eliminate about 200 KB.


\version "2.7.40"
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
tagline = ""
                                                } % end header
s128^\markup {"" \raise # 25.0 { \hspace # -3.0 \bold \fontsize #0.0 #(ly:export (string-append 
"Transcribed with LilyPond " (lilypond-version) " from posting by Douglas Yeo at" ))}}
s^\markup {"" \raise # 21.6  {\hspace # -2.0 {\bold \fontsize #3.5 "From the Eugene 
Adam Collection: Solos for Trombone"}}}
s^\markup {"" \raise # 15.0  {\hspace # 31.0 {\bold \fontsize #7.95 { 
s^\markup {"" \raise # 16.7  {\hspace # 26.0 {\bold \fontsize #16.8 \musicglyph 
s^\markup {"" \raise # 15.15 {\hspace # 24.4 {\bold \fontsize #7.95 "5"}}}
s^\markup {"" \raise # 11.0  {\hspace # 77.0 {\bold \fontsize #2.3 { "Ange Fl" 
\hspace #-1.5 {

Why not use \header{} for all these?  title, composer, etc.

\partial 4.
bes4\p (
   ^\markup {"" \raise #2 { \hspace # -15.0 { \bold \italic { \huge "And" \raise #-0.1 \hspace #0.0 \tiny { 
"-" \hspace #-1.78 \raise #0.4 "-" \hspace #-2.4 \raise #1.1 "no" }}}}}

I believe that the
\markup { "" \raise # ....
trick doesn't work any more.  Try
\markup { \hspace #0 \raise #...

or just
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #2
\markup { ... }

Actually, what about making the above line this:
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #2
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #(-15 . 0)
bes4\p^\markup { \bold \italic { \huge "And" \raise #-0.1 \hspace #0.0 \tiny { "-" \hspace #-1.78 \raise #0.4 "-" \hspace #-2.4 \raise #1.1 "no" }}}}


   _\markup {"" \raise #-3 { \hspace #-2 {\huge \bold \italic "cres .  .  ." }}}
   \tag #'DUAL {s4*0^\markup {"" \raise #1.0 { \hspace #1.0 {\huge \bold \italic 
"*" }}}}
   \tag #'BASS {s4*0^\markup {"" \raise #1.5 { \hspace #1.5 {\huge \bold \italic 
"*" }}}}
   \tag #'TREB {s4*0^\markup {"" \raise #0.0 { \hspace #1.5 {\huge \bold \italic 
"*" }}}}

I would recommend using a TextSpanner for this.

   \once \override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . 0.0)

This line does nothing.

You are very inventive when it comes to working around certain issues by using \markup and extra spacing tweaks, but in most cases I think that lilypond has more elegant solutions.

Have you read chapters 3 to 5 in the new docs? I highly recommend that you read those chapters from the 2.9 docs -- don't worry, at the moment (lilypond 2.9.10) those chapters apply to 2.8 just as much as 2.9.

Once you've read those, try modifying one of your scores (don't deal with all three versions at the same time) with those tips in mind. Then send it to me again, and I'll make any additional comments.

- Graham

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