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Re: times number on beams crossing staves

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: times number on beams crossing staves
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2005 16:11:31 +0100
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Maxime Brugidou wrote:
i'm with the 2.6.3 version, i have 2 questions :
i wrote :
\context Staff= "one" {
   \times 4/5 {\stemDown a'16[e' \change Staff=two \stemUp d'' c'']}
\context Staff= "two" {

it gave me the first pdf test1.pdf (should be me or my computer or my code)

The warning printout from LilyPond more or less says it all:
"Only do cross-staff spanners with PianoStaff."

\new PianoStaff <<
\context Staff= "one" {
   \times 4/5 {\stemDown a'16[e' \change Staff=two \stemUp d'' c'']}
\context Staff= "two" {

(more intersesting question i think) is it possible to move the number ? (the "5" is not at a very good place)

The best I can come up with is to add
\once \override TupletBracket #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -7)
before the first note of the quintuple (I hope you intend to add a 5th
note too).

another one : in test2.pdf, the stave is cut. Is it because in my last ly file i used the \romoveEmptyStaff command ??

Such a hypothesis if trivial to test, right? Just comment out the line
with  \removeEmptyStaff and try. As you will quickly find out, your
guess is wrong. The simple answer is that the stave is cut as soon as
there is no more music in it. On way to keep it "alive" is to add a
spacing note (such as s1 or \skip 1) in a parallel voice that stays in
the upper stave.


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