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Re: Markup over last barline

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: Markup over last barline
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 12:06:18 +0200

On 15 Aug 2005, at 09:45, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Hans Aberg wrote:

On 14 Aug 2005, at 23:20, Graham Percival wrote:

I have already seen it. The lines
  \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
     \mark "D.S. al Fine "
generate the error:
 Processing `/Users/foo/Music/LilyPond/'
Parsing...<unnamed port>: In expression ’self-alignment-X:
<unnamed port>: Unbound variable: ’self-alignment-X

But if I ignore what the manual says, I can get it printed over the last barline. Confusing, though.

If an example from the manual doesn't work, I consider it a serious bug. I just checked this example on 2.7.5, and it works; what version are you using?

I used 2.7.4-1, the latest available download.

you copy the whole example?

As has already been pointed out, the problem is that the single
quote should be exactly a plain single quote, not a left quote
or right quote. There was a recent discussion on the mailing list
related to these problems with copy/paste from the manual in its
different incarnations (HTML/PDF).

I see that now: The PDF manual actually displays the Unicode character U-2019, whereas the HTML page displays the correct U-0027.

How do I get it printed under the barline?

First of all, note that \mark is handled at the score level, so
you can only use it to print things above or below the full system,
not above/below each stave. So, if you want to printed below the
system, just set the 'direction' property:
\override Score.RehearsalMard #'direction = #DOWN

Could this be used to generate a new command \markbelow, that works as \mark, except that it puts the stuff below?

  Hans Aberg

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