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Re: Using the part combiner for hymns

From: Peter F Whyte
Subject: Re: Using the part combiner for hymns
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 09:34:30 +0100

On 16 May 2005 at 10:16, steveweb414... wrote:

> Hi.  I'm working on a public-domain hymnal project.
> I'd like to get the part combiner to follow some stemming conventions
> that are common in hymnals:
> - When the voices are in unison, there should be two stems.
> - When the voices are a second apart (i.e. adjacent notes), there
> should be two stems.
> Is there a way I can get the part combiner to do this?
> Thanks
> Steve


I think if you use \VoiceOne and \VoiceTwo you should get what you are looking 
for.  I 
regularly combine hymn harmonies from various sources into a single score and I 
them to achieve that.  Here's a few snippets from my standard file just showing 
the right 
hand (I place all the parts in one file where this came from, then I do the 
score in a 
second one and include the parts in it.)

% lilypond starts
% \melody and \alto are defined above 
% as regular music expression blocks

global =  {  \time 2/2 }

Key =  { \key ef \major }

rhUpper =  \relative c'' {
        \mark \markup {HTC}
        \bar "|."

rhLower =  \relative c' {

PianoRH = {
        \clef treble
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \context Staff <<
                \context Voice = "one" \rhUpper
                \context Voice = "two" \rhLower

piano = {
        \context PianoStaff <<
                \set PianoStaff.instrument = #"Piano"
                \set PianoStaff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-2 . 2)
                #(set-accidental-style 'piano-cautionary)
                \context Staff = "upper" \PianoRH
                \context Staff = "lower" \PianoLH
% lilypond ends

Best regards


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