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How do you handle lyrics for 2nd, 3rd, etc verses to a song?

From: James Moore
Subject: How do you handle lyrics for 2nd, 3rd, etc verses to a song?
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 10:42:00 -0700

I'm brand-new LiliPond user - it's great!  Very easy to learn, too. 

Two questions:

1.  Putting together some music for a choir I've just joined, and I'm having
trouble figuring out where the lyrics for the 2nd, 3rd, etc verses go.
Normally for songs I see music that just has the lyrics for the first verse
next to the notes, and then the rest of the words written out in a block
somewhere else on the page (This may be because normal to me ==
traditional/folk music.)  .  How do you do those blocks?  Is lilypond-book
going to be required for this? 

2.  The lyrics seem to end up too close to the divider lines between bars in
some cases.  I'm thinking about bar 5, where "man-" ends up too close to the
black line, and bar 6 for "night" does the same.  Do I need to add space
manually?  Or is this the way people expect printed lyrics to look?  (I'm
really a fiddler and a piper, not a singer; this is my first experience with
really caring about having to read the words.)

I'm running 2.2.2 on Cygwin. 

Here's the source I'm using:

#(set-global-staff-size 16)
\paper  {
    linewidth = 455.244096\pt
\version "2.2.2"
\header {
    title = "Fum Fum Fum"
    arranger = "Richmond"
    tagline = "OK Chorale / Version 1.0"
    pagenumber = no
    poet = "Spanish"

sopWords = \lyrics {
    On De- cem- ber five and twen- ty,
    fum fum fum
    On De- cem- ber five and twen- ty,
    fum fum fum
    In a man- ger low- ly there was born this night a lit- tle child.
    Of _ Ma- ry  born, a- live this cold De- cem- ber five and twen- ty
    fum fum fum

altoWords = \lyrics {
    On De- cem- ber five and twen- ty,
    fum fum fum
    On De- cem- ber five and twen- ty,
    fum fum fum
    In a man- ger low- ly there was born this night a lit- tle child.
    Of Ma- ry  born, a- live this cold De- cem- ber five and twen- ty
    fum fum fum

tenorWords = \lyrics {
    On De- cem- ber five and twen- ty,
    fum fum fum
    On De- cem- ber five and twen- ty,
    fum fum fum
    In a man- ger low- ly there was born this night a lit- tle child.
    Of Ma- ry  born, a- live this cold De- cem- ber five and twen- ty
    fum fum fum

bassWords = \lyrics {
    On De- cem- ber five and twen- ty,
    fum fum fum
    On De- cem- ber five and twen- ty,
    fum fum fum
    In a man- ger low- ly there was born this night a lit- tle child.
    Of Ma- ry  born, a- live this cold De- cem- ber _ five and twen- ty
    fum fum fum

sopMusic = \notes  \relative c'' {
    a8. gis16 a8 c
    b a gis e
    a4 gis a r
    a8. gis16 a8 c
    b a gis e
    a4 gis a r8 g16 g

    % manger lowly there was born
    c8 c b b c c b b c c b b c4 r8 b16 c

    \time 3/4
    d8. c16 b8. a16 gis8 e
    a gis a c b a gis e a4 gis a r

altoMusic = \notes  \relative c' {
    e8. e16 e8 a
    gis e e b
    c4 b c r
    e8. e16 e8 a
    gis e e b c4 b c r8 g'16 g

    % manger lowly there was born
    e8 e f f e e f f e e f f e4 r8 e

    \time 3/4
    f8. f16 f8. f16 e8 e
    \time 4/4
    e e e e d d e b c4 b c r

tenorMusic = \notes \relative c' {
    c8. b16 c8 e d c b gis
    a4 b c r
    c8. b16 c8 e d c b gis a4 b c r8 g16 g 

    % manger lowly there was born
    g8 g g g g g g g g g g g g4 r8 b8

    \time 3/4
    b8. b16 b8. b16 b8 b
    \time 4/4
    c b c c b c d b a4 b c r

bassMusic = \notes \relative c {
    a8. a16 a8 a a a e e
    a'4 e a, r
    a8. a16 a8 a a a e' e a4 e a, r8 g'16 g

    % manger lowly there was born
    c,8 c g' g c, c g' g c, c g' g c,4 r8 c8

    \time 3/4
    d8. e16 f8. f16 e8 e
    \time 4/4
    a e a, b16 c d8 d d e a4 e a, r


\score { \notes
         \context StaffGroup <<
             \context Lyrics = sopLyrs { s1 }
             \context Staff = women { s1 }
             \context Lyrics = altoLyrs { s1 }
             \context Lyrics = tenorLyrs { s1 }
             \context Staff = men {\clef bass s1 }
             \context Lyrics = bassLyrs { s1 }
             \context Staff = women \context Voice = VA { \voiceOne
\sopMusic }
             \context Lyrics = sopLyrs { \sopWords}
             \context Staff = women \context Voice = VB { \voiceTwo
\altoMusic }
             \context Lyrics = altoLyrs { \altoWords}
             \context Staff = men \context Voice = VA { \voiceOne
\tenorMusic }
             \context Lyrics = tenorLyrs { \tenorWords}
             \context Staff = men  \context Voice = VB { \voiceTwo
\bassMusic }
             \context Lyrics = bassLyrs { \bassWords}
         \paper {
             \context {

                                % a little smaller so lyrics can be closer
to the staff. 
                 minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 3) 

         \midi {
             \tempo 4 = 100

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