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Trick: tilted "glissando" text

From: Antti Kaihola
Subject: Trick: tilted "glissando" text
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 18:43:58 +0300

I'd like to share a postscript hack I used to print the "gliss." text
under a scale passage and tilt the text according to the angle of the

You can adjust according to your layout the
- angle (here -15 degrees)
- offset (5 -2)
- scale (12.0)
- font (\CMTI12)
- text (gliss.)

Please point out if this can be done in a more elegant way. I'm not a
PostScript guru or LilyPond expert, so I don't really understand what
I'm doing... :)

\relative c' \times 8/9 { 
  d'32_\markup { \postscript #"gsave 
                               /CMTI12 findfont
                               5 -2 moveto
                               12.0 output-scale div 
                               scalefont setfont 
                               -15 rotate 
                               (gliss.) show
                               grestore" }(
  c h a g f e d c) 

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