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Problem with \f at the beginning of a score [updated again]

From: Thorkil Wolvendans
Subject: Problem with \f at the beginning of a score [updated again]
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2004 19:49:44 +0200

(this must start to look like spam! I'm sorry: THIS is the correct file -- I'm too tired I guess! ) (to compile the score, please use this file, since the previous email doesn't contain the \f symbol which causes problems...stupid me!)

Hi everyone!

I'm staring at my source-file for 2 hours now, and can't find the result to the problem: the forte symbol refuses to appear at the beginning of the score. For some odd reason, the symbol shows up at the next bar, when I want it to show up in the first. Now, this only happens in the first bar, all other bars react as normal. Is this some kind of bug, or do I just overlook something?
This is the score:


\paper {}
\version "2.2.2"

\header {

global = \notes {
  \time 4/4
  s1^""^""^\markup{\bold "Allegro con spirito ma non troppo"}
  s1^""^\markup{\bold "Rubato misterioso"}
\repeat volta 2 {
  s1^\markup {\italic attacca}^\markup {\bold "A tempo"}
  s1*13\bar "||"
  s1^""^""^""^""^""^""^\markup{\italic staccatissimo}
  s1^""^""^""^\markup{\italic legato}
  s1^""^""^""^""^\markup {\italic bruscamente}
  s1^""^""^""^""^\markup {\italic amabile}
  s1*15 s1^""^""^\markup {\italic "con forza"}
\alternative {{s1*9^""^""^\markup {\italic stringendo}\bar ":|:"} {s1^""^""^\markup {\italic "con allegrezza"} }}
  s1^\markup {\italic "misterioso, bisbigliando"}
  s1^""^""^""^\markup {\italic bruscamente}
  s1^""^\markup {\italic attacca}
  s1*7\bar "||"
  s1^""^""^\markup {\italic staccato}
  s1*6\bar "||"
  s1^""^""^""^\markup {\italic "maestoso e brilliante ma non ritardando"}
  s1*15\bar "||"
  s1^""^\markup {\italic "bruscamente con spirito"}
  s1*13\bar ":|"

ksr = \notes {
\set Staff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\set Staff.keySignature = #'(((0 . 5) . 2))
  s1*21 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((-2 .  5) . 2))
        \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((1 .  5) . 2))
        \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((2 . 5) . 2))
  s1*4 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((-2 . 5) . 2))
        \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((1 . 5) . 2))
  s1*6 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((2 . 5) . 2))
  s1*5 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((0 . 5) . 2))
  s1*4 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((1 . 5) . 2))
  s1*4 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((1 . 5) . 2))
  s1*14 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((0 . 5) . 2))
        \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((1 . 5) . 2))
  s1*3 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((2 . 5) . 2))

ksl = \notes {
\set Staff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
  \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((-2 . 5) . 2))
  s1*43 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((-3 . 5) . 2))
  s1*10 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((-2 . 5) . 2))
  s1*62 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((-3 . 5) . 2))
  s1*12 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((-2 . 5) . 2))
  s1*9 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((-3 . 5) . 2))
  s1*20 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((-2 . 5) . 2))
  s1*11 \set Staff.keySignature = #'(((-3 . 5) . 2))

%%%  NOTEN  %%%
rh = \notes \relative c'' {
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 4 'Staff)
  r4\f a-> b-> d,-> |
  f2-> r |
  r4 a-> b-> d,-> |
  f2-> r |
  r4 a-> b-> d,-> |
  f-> a-> b-> d,-> |
  f-> a-> b-> d,-> |
  f-> a-> b-> d,-> |
  f-> a-> b-> d,-> |
  f-> a-> b-> d,-> |
  f-> a-> b-> d,-> |
  f2-^ r |
  R1*8 |
%%EXPOSITION -- [1st group] THEME 2
  \clef bass R1 |
  r8 << {a, a->( f)-. a(-> b)-. a(-> f)-. |
  a-.}\\{d, d4 d d | d8-.}>> r8 r4 r r |
  r8 << {a' a(-> f)-. a(-> b)-.  a(-> b)-. |
  d(-> b a)-.}\\{d, d4 d d | d d8-.}>> r8 r <<{b'(-> a f |
  a)-.}\\{d,4 d8 | d-.}>> r r4 r r |
  r8 << {a' a(-> f)-. a(-> b)-. a(-> f)-. |
  a(-> f)-.}\\{d d4 d d | d8 d}>> r4 r r |
  r8 <<{a' a(-> f)-. a(-> b)-. a(-> b)-. |
  d(-> b a)-.}\\{d,8 d4 d d | d d8-.}>> r r <<{b'(-> a f-> |
  a)-. b(-> a f-> a)-.}\\{d, d4 | d8-. d4 d8 d-.}>> r <<{b'(-> a |
  f-> a)-.}\\{d,4 | d8 d}>> r <<{b'8(-> a f-> a)-.}\\{d,4 d8[ d]-.}>> r |
  \clef treble a'8([ b d)] <<{f([ a b)] d([ f |
  a)] b([ d f)] a4--}\\{a,,,8([ b d)] f([ a | b)] d([ f a)] a4--}>> r
%%EXPOSITION -- [trans.] THEME 3
\clef "G^8"
  <b b'>8-^ <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> |
  <b b'> <d d'>-^ <b b'>-^ <a a'>-^ <b b'>-^ <a a'>-^ <f f'>-^ <a a'>-^ |
#(set-octavation 1)
  <b b'>-^ <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> |
  <b b'> <d d'>-^ <f f'>-^ <a a'>-^ <b b'>-^ <a a'>-^ <f f'>-^ <a a'>-^ |
  <b b'>-^ <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> |
  <b b'> d(-^ b-^ a-^ b-^ a-^ f-^ a)-^ |
  b([ a f)] #(set-octavation 0) \clef treble d([ b a)] f([ d |
  b)] a([-> f-> d)]-> \clef bass b8([ a f)]
%%EXPOSITION -- [2nd group] THEME 4
  \repeat unfold 24 {b8([ a f)]} | a8
  \clef treble f'[(-> |
  a b)] d[(-> f a)] b[(-> d |
  f)] #(set-octavation 1) a([-> b d] <f, f'>4) #(set-octavation 0) r
%%EXPOSITION -- [2nd group] THEME 5
  \clef "G^8"r <f, f'> r <f' f,> |
  r8 f( d b d f b, d) |
  r4 <f, f'> r <f' f,> |
  r8 #(set-octavation 1) f( b d f d b d) |
  r4 <f f,> r <f f,> |
  r8 f( d b d f b, d |
  f, b d, f #(set-octavation 0) \clef treble b, d f, b |
  d, f b, d f, b d, f) |
  r4 f r4 f |
  r8 b,( d f b)-> b,([ d b')] |
  r4 f r f |
  r8 d( f b d)-> d,([ b' d)] |
  r4 <b f'> r <b f'> |
  r8 f'( d b d f) b,[( d |
  f)] b,[( d f)] b,[( d f)] b,[( |
  d f)] b,[( d f)] b,[( d f)] |
  r <f f,>( r <d d,> r <b b,> r #(set-octavation -1) <f f,> |
  r <d d,> r <b b,> <a a,>2) #(set-octavation 0) |
%%REPEAT EXPOSITION -- [1st group] THEME 1
  r4 a'-> b-> d,-> |
  f2-> r |
  r4 a-> b-> d,-> |
  f2-> r |
  r4 a-> b-> d,-> |
  f-> a-> b-> d, -> |
  f-> a-> b-> d, -> |
  f-> a-> b-> d, -> |
  f-> a-> b-> d, -> |
%%DEVELOPMENT -- [intro] THEME 6 [th1]
  r4 f-> a-> b-> |
  d2-> r |
  r4 f-> b-> d-> |
  f2 r |
  r4 f-> b,-> d-> |
  f,2 r |
  r4 d f b |
  f2 r |
  r4 f d b |
  d2 r |
  r4 b d f |
  d2 r |
  r4 d b f |
  b2 r |
  r4 f b d |
  b2 r |
  r4 b d f |
  b <f f,> <b b,> <d d,> |
  <b b,>\breathe <b b,> <d d,> <f f,> |
  <b b,> <f f,> <b b,> <d d,> |
  <b b,>\breathe <b b,> <f f,> <d d,> |
  <f f,> <b, b,> <d d,> <f f,> |
  <d d,>\breathe <d d,> <b b,> <f f,> |
  <b b,> <f f,> <b b,> <d d,> |
  <b b,>\breathe <b b,> <f f,> <d d,> |
  <f f,> <d d,> <f f,> <b b,> |
  <f f,>\breathe <f f,> <d d,> <b b,>|
  <d d,> \< <b b,> \repeat unfold 6 {<d d,> <b b,>} <d d,> <b b,>\! |
%%DEVELOPMENT -- [body & trans.] THEME 7 [th4]
  r4 b8( b'-.) d,( d'-.) f,( f'-.) |
  <b, b'>4~ <b b'>8 <f f'>( <b b'>-. <d d'>-. <b b'>4~ |
  <b b'>8) <f f'> <b b'>-. <d d'>-. <b b'>->( <f f'>-.) <b b'>->( <f f'>->) |
  <d d'>4->~ <d d'>8 <b b'>( <d d'>-. <f f'>-. <d d'>4->~ |
  <d d'>8) <b b'> <d d'>-. <f f'>-. <d d'>->( <b b'>-.) <d d'>->( <b b'>-.) |
#(set-octavation -1) <f f'>4->~ <f f'>8 <d d'>( <f f'>-. <b b'>-. #(set-octavation 0) <d d'>4~ |
  <d d'>8) <f, f'>( <b b'>) <d d'>-. <f f'>-. <b, b'>-. <d d'>-. <f f'>-. |
<b b'>-. <f f'>-. <b b'>-. <d d'>-. \clef "G^8" <f f'>-. <d d'>-. <f f'>-. <b b'>-. |
  \repeat unfold 8 {<d d'>[ <b b'> <f f'> <b b'>]} |
  \repeat unfold 8 {<f' b d f>} |
%%RECAPITULATION [1st group] THEME 8 [th2]
  \clef bass
  R1 |
  r8 << {a,,, a->( f)-. a(-> b)-. a(-> f)-. |
a-.}\\{d, d4 d d | d8-.}>> r8 \clef treble a'16 b d f a b d f #(set-octavation 1) a b d f | a8-. #(set-octavation 0) \clef bass << {a,,, a(-> f)-. a(-> b)-. a(-> b)-. | d(-> b a)-.}\\{d, d4 d d | d d8-.}>> r8 r \clef treble #(set-octavation 1) b''''16 d, a' d, f d | a' d, b' d, a' d, f d a'8 r b16 d, a' d, f d a'8 r b16 d, a' d, f d d' d, b' d, |
  a'8( f d b) #(set-octavation 0) f( d b d,) |
%%RECAPITULATION [1st group (trans.)] THEME 9 [th3]
  <f f'>8-> <f f'> <f f'> <f f'> <f f'> <f f'> <f f'> <f f'> |
  <f f'> <a a'>-> <f f'>-> <d d'>-> <f f'>-> <d d'>-> <a a'>-> <d d'>-> |
  <f f'>-> <f f'> <f f'> <f f'> <f f'> <f f'> <f f'> <f f'> |
<f f'> <a a'>-> #(set-octavation 1) <d d'>-> <f f'>-> <a a'>-> <f f'>-> <d d'>-> <f f'>-> |
  <a a'>-> <a a'> <a a'> <a a'> <a a'> <a a'> <a a'> <a a'> |
  <a a'> d-> a-> f-> #(set-octavation 0) d'( a f d |
  a f d f a b d b) |
%%RECAPITULATION -- [trans.] THEME 10 [th5]
  r4 <a' a,> r <a a,> |
  r8 a( f d f a d, f) |
  r4 <a a,> r <a a,> |
  r8 #(set-octavation 1) a( d f a f d f) |
  r4 <a a,> r <a a,> |
  r8 a( f d f a d, f |
  a, d f, a #(set-octavation 0) d, f a, d |
  f, a d, f #(set-octavation -1) a, d f, a)|
  r4 <d, f a> r <d f a> |
  r8 d( f a d->) d,([ f d')] |
  r4 <d, f a> r <d f a> |
  r8 f( a d f->) f,([ d' f]) #(set-octavation 0) |
  r4 <a, d f a> r <a d f a> |
  r8 a'( f d f a) \repeat unfold 6 {d,([ f a])}
%%CODA -- [2nd group] THEME 11 [th2&7]
  r8 <b, d f a> <b d f a>4-. <b d f a>-. r8 <b d f a> |
  <b d f a>4-. <b d f a>-. a'16( b d f) (a b d f) |
  r8 <b,,, d f a> <b d f a>4-. <b d f a>-. r8 <b d f a> |
  <b d f a>4-. <b d f a>-. \clef "G^8" r16[ d''( b' d,] a' d, f d |
a'8)-. <b, d f b>-> <b d f b>-> <b b'> <b d f b>-> <b b'> <b b'> <b d f b>-> |
  <b d f b>-> <b b'> <b d f b> <b b'> <b d f b> <b b'> <b d f b> <b b'> |
  <b b'> <b d f b>-> <b d f b>-> <b b'> <b d f b>-> <b b'> <b b'> <b d f b>->|
  <b d f b>-> <b b'> <b d f b> <b b'> <b d f b> <b b'> <b d f b> <b b'> |
  r <d f b d>-> <d f b d>-> <d d'> <d f b d>-> <d d'> <d d'> <d f b d>-> |
  <d f b d>-> <d d'> <d f b d> <d d'> <d f b d> <d d'> <d f b d> <d d'> |
<d d'> <d f b d>-> <d f b d>-> <d d'> <d f b d>-> <d d'> <d d'> <d f b d>-> |
  <d f b d>-> <d d'> <d f b d> <d d'> <d f b d> <d d'> <d f b d> <d d'> |
#(set-octavation 1) <f b d f>-> \repeat unfold 11 {<f b d f>} <b d f b>4---> #(set-octavation 0) r |

lh = \notes \relative c' {
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 4 'Staff)
r4_\markup {\bold senza \musicglyph #"pedal-Ped"\musicglyph #"pedal-."} a-> b-> d,-> |
  f2-> r |
  r4 a-> b-> d,-> |
  f2-> r |
  r4 a-> b-> d,-> |
  f2 a4-> b-> |
  d,-> f-> a-> b-> |
  d,-> f-> a-> b-> |
  d,-> f-> a-> b-> |
  d,-> f-> a-> b-> |
  d,-> f-> a-> b-> |
  d,-> f-^ r2 |
  r\sustainDown #(set-octavation -1) <a,, a'>( |
  <b b'> <d, d'> |
  <f f'>1)\sustainUp #(set-octavation 0) |
  r2 f'( |
  d b' |
  a1) |
  R1 |
%%EXPOSITION  -- [1st group] THEME 2
\repeat unfold 12 {<d, b'>8->( <f a>-.) <d b'>8->( <f a>-.) <d b'>8->( <f a>-.) <d b'>8->( <f a>-.)} |
  <d b'>8->( <f a>-.) <d b'>8->( <f a>-.) <d b'>8->( <f a>-.) a([ b |
  d)] <<{f([ a b)] a4--}\\{a,8([ b d)] a4--}>> r |
%%EXPOSITION -- [1st group] THEME 3
  \repeat unfold 28{<b b'>8 <b b'>}
  <b b'>\sustainDown <a a'>(->[ <f f'>-> <d d'>)->]\sustainUp b'([ a f)] b([ |
  a f)] b([ a f)] b([ a f)] |
%%EXPOSITION -- [trans.] THEME 4
#(set-octavation -1)
  <d, d'>4(-- <f f'>-- <a a'>-- <b b'>~-> |
  <b b'>8) <a a'>(-> <b b'>-. <d d'>-. <b b'>4~-> <b b'>8) <a a'>\(-> |
  <b b'>-. <d d'>-. <b b'>\)(-> <a a'>)-. <b b'>(-> <a a'>)-. <f f'>4~-> |
  <f f'>8 <d d'>(-> <f f'>-. <a a'>-. <f f'>4~-> <f f'>8) <d d'>\(-> |
  <f f'>-. <a a'>-. <f f'>\)(-> <d d'>)-. <f f'>(-> <d d'>)-. <b b'>4~-> |
  <b b'>8 <a a'>-> <b b'>-. <d d'>-. <f f'>4~-> <f f'>8 <a, a'>-> |
  <b b'>-. <d d'>-. <f f'>-> <a, a'>-. <b b'>-. <d d'>-. <f f'>4~-> |
<f f'>8 <a, a'>-> <b b'>-> <d d'>-> <f f'>-> <a a'>-. <b b'>-. <d d'>-. #(set-octavation 0) |
  <f f'>-> \repeat unfold 8 {<f f'>8}|
  a(->[ b d] <f f,>4)-> r |
%%EXPOSITION -- [2nd group] THEME 5
  <f, f'>2\sustainDown \repeat unfold 30 {<f f'>2} <f f'>\sustainUp |
  <f f'>4( <d d'> <b b'> #(set-octavation -1) <f f'> |
  <d d'> <b b'> <a a'>2) #(set-octavation 0)
%%REPEAT EXPOSITION -- [1st group] THEME 1
  r4 a'''-> b-> d,-> |
  f2-> r |
  r4 a-> b-> d,-> |
  f2-> r |
  r4 a-> b-> d,-> |
  f2-> a4-> b-> |
  d,-> f-> a-> b-> |
  d,-> f-> a-> b-> |
  d,-> f-> a-> b-> |
%%DEVELOPMENT -- [intro] THEME 6 [th1]
  r4 f(-> a-> b-> |
  d2)-> r |
  r4 f(-> b-> d-> |
  f2) r |
  r4 f(-> b,-> d-> |
  f,2) <f,  f,>\sustainDown |
  <<{\voiceOne r4 d'( f b |
  f2) s |
  r4 f( d b |
  d2) s |
  r4 b( d f |
  d2) s |
  r4 d( b f |
  b2) s |
  r4 f( b d |
  b2) s |}\\{\voiceTwo \repeat unfold 5 {<f f,>2 s2 s2 <f f,>}}>> |
  <<{r4 b( d f | b)}\\{<f, f,>2 s s4}>> r4 <f f,>2 |
  \repeat unfold 5 {<f f,>2 r r <f f,>} |
  \repeat unfold 6 {<f f,>2}
%%DEVELOPMENT -- [body & trans.] THEME 7 [th4]
  \clef "F_8"
  <f, b f'>8-.->\sustainUp r r4 r r |
  r8 <f b f'>( <f b f'>4-.) <f b f'>-. r8 <f b f'>( |
  <f b f'>4-.) <f b f'>-. r2 |
  r8 <f b f'>( <f b f'>4-.) <f b f'>-. r8 <f b f'>( |
  <f b f'>4-.) <f b f'>-. r2 |
  r8 <f b f'>( <f b f'>4-.) <f b f'>-. r8 <f b f'>( |
  <f b f'>4-.) <f b f'>-. r8 <f b f'>8( <f b f'>4-.) |
  <f b f'>-. r8 <f b f'>( <f b f'>4-.) < f b f'> |
  r8 <f b f'>( <f b f'>4-.) <f b f'>-. r8 <f b f'>( |
  <f b f'>4--) <f b f'>8-.[]\breathe <f b f'>( <f b f'>4--) <f b f'>-. |
  r8 <f b f'>( <f b f'>4--) <f b f'>8-.[]\breathe <f b f'>( <f b f'>4--) |
<f b f'>8-.[]\breathe <f b f'>( <f b f'>4--) <f b f'>8->[ <f b f'> <f b f'> <f b f'>]|
  <f b f'>[ <f b f'> <f b f'> <f b f'>] <f b f'>[ <f b f'> <f b f'> <f b f'>]
%%RECAPITULATION -- [1st group] THEME 8 [th2]
  \clef bass
  \repeat unfold 28 {<d' b'>8->( <f a>-.)} |
  <d b'>->( <f a>-.) <d b'>->( <f a>-.) <f a> <d d'> <b b'> <d d'> |
%%RECAPITULATION -- [1st group (trans.)] THEME 9 [th3]
  \clef "F_8"
  \repeat unfold 16 {<f, f'>} |
  <f f'> <b f'> <a f'> <f f'> <a f'> \repeat unfold 11 {<f f'>} |
  <f f'> <b f'> <a f'> <f f'> <a f'> \repeat unfold 19 {<f f'>} |
%%RECAPITULATION -- [trans.] THEME 10 [th5]
  <a a'>2\sustainDown \repeat unfold 30 {<a a'>} |
  <a a'>8 <d, d'>[( <f f'> <a a'>)]\sustainUp |
%%CODA -- [2nd group] THEME 11 [th2&7]
  \clef bass
  \repeat unfold 32 {<b' d,>8->( <a f>-.)}
  \repeat unfold 16 {b16 f d f}
#(set-octavation -1) \repeat unfold 6 {d b f b} <b b,>4---> #(set-octavation 0) r |

%%%  PARTITUUR  %%%
\score {
  \context PianoStaff <<
    \set PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano  "
    \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
    \context Staff = upper <<
     \clef treble
    \context Staff = lower <<
      \clef bass
  \paper { }
  \midi { \tempo 4 = 126 }


Any comment on this strange situation is very welcome!

Kind regards,

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