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Re: placement of rehearsal marks and more

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: placement of rehearsal marks and more
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 10:54:30 +0200
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I think most of your question can be answered by:
The command \mark "text" attaches the text to the
next bar line (automatically generated bar line or
manually inserted, whatever comes first).
The same goes for \mark \markup {...}.

for an example of how to do that. Since you may want to use \breathe
the same way in the full score, I changed the default layout in the
\paper section (so it applies to the full score. For the same reason,
I moved the setting of skipBars to the \paper section).

Very good, I didn't know about using two \paper sections, and it appears that fact that it is at the end makes no differance. So, looks like the skipBars property applies to all multimeasure rests when it is used in the \paper section. I like that, helps clean up the code a bit.

Oops, I didn't notice that you had a \paper section in the beginning of
the file. If it's placed there, it applies to all coming \score{...}.
If it's placed within a \score{...}, it just applies to that particular
score. Here, you get the combined result, since you don't set the same
properties/variables in the two \paper sections.
To learn more about setting properties locally and globally, see
(or the new manual for version 2.2, the principles are the same even
though the syntax has changed in 2.2).

Since you don't want it to replace the "34", You could include
a spacing note that is simultaneous as the rest and attach the coda
sign to that:
<< R2.* 34 s4^\coda >>

Makes sense. I added this -
\once \property Score.RehearsalMark \override #'extra-offset =#'(-5 . 3)
<< R2.* 34 s4^\coda >>
to try to move the coda symbol a bit up and left, but it does not work. I think this would make the symbol a little more obvious. The people playing this music are playing on a fairly dark stage using stand lights, usually with spot lights flashing in our eyes, so they like this stuff to be obvious.

Items typeset with the \mark command are handled by the RehearsalMark
object in LilyPond. Scripts, such as \coda, that are attached to a note
are handled by the Script object, so you should do
\property Score.Script \override ... instead of
\property Score.RehearsalMark \override ...

Text strings ("...") and \markup {...} commands that are attached to
notes are handled by the TextScript object.

I discovered I have to set it to percent 3 to make two repeat bars after the bar to be repeated. I guess the number is the number of repeats plus the original bar(s)?

That's what I tried to say below:

Why do you have the \context Voice?
The number in the \repeat statement specifies the total number the
section should be played. So, \repeat percent 1 {some music}  is
equivalent to {some music}. You probably want \repeat percent 2 {...}.
I don't get the result you describe with \repeat percent 1.

I used \context Voice because that's how it's shown in the manual in the section on percent repeats - quoted from the manual...

Several people have requested that the examples in the manual should
be more complete, but this example is some silly kind of half complete
file, which apparantly is more confusing. I'll change it!

You can use \mark to attach a text to the beginning of the piece.

Great, I didn't know I could do that without attaching it to something.

You are actually attaching it (at least conceptually) to an invisible
bar line at the beginning of the piece. It has to be inserted before the
first note, otherwise the \mark command will apply to the next bar line.

Some people use
  piece = "Mariachi"

I tried that but it collides with the text I have at the beginning of the piece. Many of the pieces we play have some bit of text there, most actually.

Normally, LilyPond will make sure that it doesn't collide (even though
it might get close). However, if you have moved around the text with
extra-offset, then LilyPond doesn't take the new position into account
when it reseves space. This is the main reason I always suggest people
to use the padding property instead of extra-offset, if possible.


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