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"inline" (scoped) definitions?

From: Kieren Richard MacMillan
Subject: "inline" (scoped) definitions?
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 17:57:02 -0500

[ Mac OS X 10.2.8;  Lilypond 2.1.7-3 ]

Howdy, y'all!

Just wondering if there's a way to define a directive/variable "inline"?


Rather than:

innerDef = { g2 g }
stuff = \notes
    a4 a a a
    c4 c c c

[Result: a4 a a a g2 g c4 c c c g2 g]

you might be able to do:

stuff = \notes
    a4 a a a
    innerDef = { g2 g }
    c4 c c c

[Result (n.b., the same as above) = a4 a a a g2 g c4 c c c g2 g]

or, better still, define it as (during) the first call:

stuff = \notes
    a4 a a a
    { g2 g } == innerDef
    c4 c c c

[Result (n.b., the same as above) = a4 a a a g2 g c4 c c c g2 g]

The benefit, of course, would be that you would be able to keep similar definitions "inline" and "together" (e.g., notes in the \notes block, time switches in the \global block, etc.), and in a well-defined "scope", which could help reduce score complexity.

Any comments?


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