\header { title = "Etude 9" piece = "Allegro" opus = "Op. 60, No. 9" composer = "Matteo Carcassi" mutopiatitle = "Etude 9" mutopiacomposer = "CarcassiM" mutopiaopus = "O 60" mutopiainstrument = "Guitar" date = "19th C." source = "Not known" style = "Classical" copyright = "Public Domain" maintainer = "jeff covey" maintainerEmail = "address@hidden" maintainerWeb = "http://pobox.com/~jeff.covey/" lastupdated = "2003/May/12" } %{ i know that piece = "tempo" isn't correct, but it looks better than attaching it to the first note. %} \version "1.6.5" global = { \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)" \property Staff.transposing = -12 % guitar music actually sounds an % octave lower than written. \property Staff.instrument = "Guitar" \notes { \clef violin \time 4/4 \key a \minor \skip 1*8 \bar "||" \repeat volta 2 { \skip 1*20 } } } dim = \notes { \commandspanrequest \start "decrescendo" \property Voice.decrescendoText = #'((font-shape . italic) "dim.") \property Voice.decrescendoSpanner = #'nil } enddim = \notes { \commandspanrequest \stop "decrescendo" \property Voice.decrescendoText \unset \property Voice.decrescendoSpanner \unset } cresc = \notes { \commandspanrequest \start "crescendo" \property Voice.crescendoText = #'((font-shape . italic) "cresc.") \property Voice.crescendoSpanner = #'nil } endcresc = \notes { \commandspanrequest \stop "crescendo" \property Voice.crescendoText \unset \property Voice.crescendoSpanner \unset } melody = \notes \relative c' { \stemUp \property Voice.TextSpanner \set #'type = #'nil \property Voice.TextSpanner \set #'edge-height = #'(0 . 1.5) \property Voice.TextSpanner \set #'edge-text = #'("poco riten. " . "") \property Voice.TextSpanner \set #'font-shape = #'italic [a16 a' a a] [c, a' a a] [f a a a] [e a a a] [d, a' f' a,] c, a' e' a,] [b, gis' d' gis,] [a, a' c a] [d, a' b a] [dis, a' b a] [e a b a] [f a b a] [e a c a] [e, a' c a] [e a b a] [e, gis' e' gis,] % 5 [a, a' a a] [c, a' a a] [f a a a] [e a a a] [d, a' f' a,] c, a' e' a,] [b, gis' d' gis,] [a, a' c a] [d, a' b a] [dis, a' b a] [e a c a] [e, gis' b e] r \spanrequest \start "text" [a, c e] [f () e dis e] a4 \spanrequest \stop "text" r % 9 [c,,16 c' c c] [e, c' c c] [a c c c] [g c c c] [f, a d a] [e cis' e cis] [d, d' f d] [d, c' fis c] [g b g' b,] [g, g' g' g,] [a, g' f' g,] [b, g' f' g,] [c, g' e' g,] [d g d' g,] [e g c g] [c, g' e' g,] [f a a a] [e cis' cis cis] [d, d' d d] [fis, c' c c] [g b b b] [f dis' dis dis] [e, e' e e] [gis, d' d d] [a c c c] [a, c' c c] [d, b' b b] [dis, a' a a] % 16 [e16 gis b e] [f () e e e] [gis () e e e] [b' () e, e e] [a () e e e] [f () e dis e] [d e c e] [b e a, e'] [e, gis b e] [f () e e e] [gis () e e e] [b' () e, e e] [a () e e e] [f () e dis e] [d e c e] [b e a, e'] [gis,8 f16 e'] [e, e' dis, e'] [e, e' d, e'] [c, e' b, e'] % 21 [a,,16 a' a a] [c, a' a a] [f a a a] [e a a a] [d, a' f' a,] c, a' e' a,] [b, gis' d' gis,] [a, a' c a] [d, f bes f] [d f bes f] [e g cis g] [e g cis g] [f a d a] [cis, a' e' a,] [d, a' e' a,] [e a e' a,] [fis dis' dis dis] [a dis dis dis] [gis, e' e e] [e, d' d d] [a c c c] [e, b' b b] [f a a a] [c, a' c a] [d, a' b a] [dis, a' b a] [e a c a] [e, gis' b e] r \spanrequest \start "text" [a, c e] [f () e dis e] a4 \spanrequest \stop "text" r } bass = \notes \relative c' { \stemDown a4_\f c f e \dim d c b a \enddim d \cresc dis e f \endcresc e e, \dim e' e, \enddim a_\f c f e d c b a d \< dis < \! e \dim s > e, \enddim a2_\p r % 9 c4_\f e a g f e d d g g, a b c_\mf d e c f e \> \! d fis \> \! g f \> \! e gis \> \! a \cresc a, d dis \endcresc % 16 e_\mf s s s e,2 d''8 c b a e4 s s s e,2 d''8 c b a \cresc gis f e dis e d c b \endcresc % 21 a4_\f c f e d c b a d d e e f cis d \< e \! fis_\sf a gis e a e \> \! f c d dis \< e \! e, \> \! a2_\p r } \score { \context Staff = guitar < \global \context Voice=melody { \melody } \context Voice=bass { \bass } > \paper { } \midi { \tempo 4=110 } }