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Re: Créer un choral (débutant avec lilypond )

From: Martial
Subject: Re: Créer un choral (débutant avec lilypond )
Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 23:29:34 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)


Pour mon cours d'harmonie, je voudrais créer une partition qui se composerait sous la forme d'un enchaînement de quatre portée

Je te propose mon modele (simplifié) en fichier joint

entrée des Notes en Français
sortie avec chaque voix en midi
tutti s a t b


\version "2.12.0"
%-------- insert macro and usual definitions -------------------
\include ""
%% pour faire un modele (Template) dans jEdit  
%% remplacer les ##t ou ##f par  $ddt ou $ddf 
#(set-global-staff-size 16) 
\paper {
                annotate-spacing = ##f          
                print-page-number = ##t                 
                line-width = 170\mm
                indent = 0.0\mm

                top-margin =  7.0\mm
                bottom-margin =  7.0\mm
                after-title-space = 5\mm
                ragged-bottom =  ##t            
                ragged-last-bottom =  ##f                       
                ragged-right = ##f      
                %system-count = #6
                %between-system-space = #0.1 %entre portee
                between-system-padding = #8 %entre system
\header { 
        date =  #(strftime "%d-%m-%y" (localtime (current-time))) 
        title =     \markup {  \fontsize #3.5 "C'est le Titre" }
        subtitle =  \markup { "pour 4 voix mixtes"  }
        poet =      \markup { "poete :" \bold "Monsieur le Poete"} 
        composer =  \markup { "Paroles et musique :" \bold  "LE COMPOSITEUR"  }
        arranger =  \markup { "Harmonisation :" \bold "LE ARRANGER"  }
        meter =     \markup { allegro } 
\header {
        edition =   \markup { "Le titre. Edition du" \date "engraved by 
Lilypond" }
        tagline =   \markup { \column { \center-column {   \edition  }}}        
        %Img     =  \markup { \epsfile #0 #15 #"image-img.eps"  } %
        %tagline   =  \markup { \column { \center-align {  \Img  \edition  } }}
%Mark voices
%tip = _\markup {  \epsfile #X #4 #"../tip.eps"  } 
%top = ^\markup {  \epsfile #X #4 #"../top.eps"  } 
%Trill  sharp and flat
%trillSharp =  \markup {  { \sharp "" \musicglyph #"scripts.trill" }}
%trillFlat =  \markup {  { \flat  "" \musicglyph #"scripts.trill" }}
%%---------------------------------------------------%MISE EN FORME

%%---------------------------------------------GLOBAL DEFINITION        
global = { 
        \key do \major
        \time 4/4 
        \tempo 4 = 130
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"

%%======================= MUSIQUE VOICE=========================================
S =     \relative do'' {            
%% ici entre les accolades les notes des Sopranes
\clef "G" 

A =     \relative do'  { 
%% ici entre les accolades les notes des Altos
\clef "G" 
T =     \relative do { 
%% ici entre les accolades les notes des Tenors 
\clef "G_8"

B =     \relative do { 
%% ici entre les accolades les notes des Basses 
\clef "F"

%%******* LYRICS ***************************************%

SL    = \lyricmode { 
%% ici entre les accolades les paroles
%% longueur des Extenders
\override LyricExtender #'minimum-length = #40


AL   = \lyricmode  { 
\override LyricExtender #'minimum-length = #40



TL    = \lyricmode {
\override LyricExtender #'minimum-length = #40


BL    = \lyricmode {
\override LyricExtender #'minimum-length = #40


%%**** PORTEES & SYSTEMS  ********************************%
SOPRANES = \new Staff = "S"    
                \set Staff.instrumentName = "S "
                \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "S " 
                \new Voice  =  "S"   {    << \global  \S  >>  }
ALTOS=  \new Staff = "A" 
                \set Staff.instrumentName = "A "  
                \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "A "
                \new Voice =  "A" {  << \global  \A >> }

TENORS= \new Staff = "T" 
                \set Staff.instrumentName = "T "        
                \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "T "
                \new Voice =  "T" {  << \global  \T >> }

BASSES= \new Staff = "B" 
        %       \with {  \remove Key_signature_engraver    }
                \set Staff.instrumentName = "B "
                \set Staff.shortInstrumentName  = "B "
                \new Voice =  "B" {  << \global  \B >> }

%%*** EDITION ********************************************%

%----------------- STAFF ---------------------------------------------
MUSIQUE =\context ChoirStaff 
                                 \new Lyrics = "S" \lyricsto S \SL 
                                 \new Lyrics = "A" \lyricsto A \AL 
                                 \new Lyrics = "T" \lyricsto T \TL 
                                 \new Lyrics = "B" \lyricsto B \BL 
MUSIQUEMID =<< \S \A \T \B >>                                                   
%----------------- PARTITON EDITION   

\score { 
        \layout {
                % \context {  \Lyrics  \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance 
= #3.0   }
                % \context { \Staff minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-1 . 1) }        
%%MIDI ALL VOICE        
\score { \unfoldRepeats \MUSIQUEMID
        %\layout {     }
        \midi { 
                \context {
                 \remove "Staff_performer"
           \context {
                 \consists "Staff_performer"      
%%MIDI SOPRANES         
\score {
        \unfoldRepeats  \S
        %\layout { }
        \midi {
                        \context {
                 \remove "Staff_performer"
           \context {
                 \consists "Staff_performer"      
\score {
        \unfoldRepeats  \A
        %\layout { }
        \midi {
                \context {
                 \remove "Staff_performer"
           \context {
                 \consists "Staff_performer"      
\score {
        \unfoldRepeats \T
        %\layout { }
        \midi {
                \context {
                 \remove "Staff_performer"
           \context {
                 \consists "Staff_performer"      
\score {
        \unfoldRepeats \B
        %\layout { }
        \midi {
                \context {
                 \remove "Staff_performer"
           \context {
                 \consists "Staff_performer"      

% encode utf-8
% Local variables:
% End: file

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