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Re: Add usage of OpenType font feature to the documents (issue 328140043

From: tisimst . lilypond
Subject: Re: Add usage of OpenType font feature to the documents (issue 328140043 by address@hidden)
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2017 10:53:03 -0700

On 2017/08/01 17:49:47, lemzwerg wrote:
> I looked into the latest Harfbuzz internals, and it looks like
> the list of supported OpenType features is manually maintained.


> Not all the features listed on the Microsoft feature registry
> are supported, but many are.

HarfBuzz is agnostic to most features; if you select a feature, and
the feature
is available, and the other feature constraints are met, it simply
gets applied.

> This list [in HarfBuzz] covers pretty much all likely candidates
> a user is going to encounter or want to use in modern fonts, so it
> probably isn't worth listing each of the supported features.

You are mistaken.  What you are referring to is a special interface to
OS X's
`coretext' implementation of OpenType.

I very much appreciate your insight and correction. So, there's no
reason to provide or point to a separate list other than the Microsoft

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