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Re: Remove tied accidentals after line-breaking (issue 46060045)

From: k-ohara5a5a
Subject: Re: Remove tied accidentals after line-breaking (issue 46060045)
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 05:08:37 +0000

This clears up issues 3749 and 3646 but my motivation was to avoid the
excessive font-lookups for accidentals.  For example
\transpose c cis { cisis } generates 5 error messages, one for each
attempt to lookup a triple sharp.

The Accidental.stencil callback had responsibility to delete the
Accidental grob if a tie made the accidental unnecessary.  So any
overrides to the stencil would need to replicate that logic, and the
stencil could not be safely used for spacing purposes before

Better to move this responsibility to a function called once after

On 2014/08/05 07:42:05, dak wrote:
Does this approach give us better insights or leads how to
  address issue 649?

No real help for addressing the question of a later accidental that is
unnecessary depending on whether an accidental is printed on a tied

The accidental engraver would still need to make the links between the
later accidental and any accidentals on tied notes a that affect the
later accidental.   Right now, the engraver records the answers to "what
alteration would this notename have if printed without an accidental?"
which is usually a fractional alteration, but the symbol 'tied if the is
ambiguous due the possibility of removing a tied Accidental.  That
record would need to be extended to let the later Accidental get a
pointer back to the tied Accidental.  Doing this in the general case
looks like an interesting problem.

If the engraver can record in each Accidental a link to any Accidentals
it depends upon, then remove_tied() can be extended to act on that
File input/regression/ (right):
input/regression/ \version "2.16.0"
should be 2.19.12-ish
(make-fraction-markup (number->string (numerator alt))
I'll use
\relative c' {
  \clef treble \time 3/4
  c8 b2  <g b des f>8 ~ |
  <g b des f>8 r
  % Large accidental
  \override Staff.Accidental.stencil = #
  (lambda (g)
    (let ((alt (ly:grob-property g 'alteration)))
      (grob-interpret-markup g
        (make-circle-markup (number->string alt)))))
  bes4 ~ bes ~ | bes ~ bes bes ~ | \break
  bes ~ bes bes

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