\version "2.16.1" % log process music logeng = #(lambda (context) `((process-music . ,(lambda (trans) (ly:message "~A - ~A - ~A" (ly:context-name context) (ly:context-property context 'currentBarNumber) (ly:context-property context 'measurePosition)) )) )) % some notes music = \relative { c4 e g a } postmusic = { \music c''1 } \score { % Staff, CueVoice and Lyrics log every process-music call % It should be equivalent, if the notes past this cue-section % are given within or after the SimultaneousMusic passage << \new Staff \with { \consists \logeng } { << { \voiceOne R1 } \new CueVoice = "cue" \with { \consists \logeng } \relative { \voiceTwo \music } \new Lyrics \with { \consists \logeng } \lyricsto "cue" \lyricmode { la la la la la } >> % if the post notes are given after the Simul. passage, notes are squashed to a chord \postmusic } \new Staff \with { \consists \logeng } { << { % here everything is fine \voiceOne R1 \postmusic } \new CueVoice = "cue" \with { \consists \logeng } \relative { \voiceTwo \music } \new Lyrics \with { \consists \logeng } \lyricsto "cue" \lyricmode { la la la la la } >> } >> } \score { << \new Staff \with { \consists \logeng } { << { \voiceOne R1 } \new CueVoice = "cue" \with { \consists \logeng } \relative { \voiceTwo \music } \new Lyrics \with { \consists \logeng } \lyricsto "cue" \lyricmode { la la la la la } >> % if the post notes are given after the Simul. passage, notes are squashed to a chord \postmusic } >> }