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Re: Why don't we get rid of \chordmode?

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: Why don't we get rid of \chordmode?
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 21:42:30 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 08:55:13AM -0600, Carl Sorensen wrote:
> But we'll need to be sure it handles things like
> c\chord #'(1 3- 5-)

Hmm.  Might we need
  c\chord #'(1 3++ 7--)
?  I'm not prepared to claim that there's no theory of chords that
includes doubly-augmented intervals relative to the base note.

> We could even do bass notes
> c\chord #'(4 1 3 5)

I'm not entirely comfortable about have 4 1.  OTOH, I'm not overly
eager to have things like
  c\chord #'(-4 1 3- 5-)

An alternate that makes sense to me would be
  c\chord #'(-4 1 3es 5es)
but then we're dragging language-specific definitions into this
construct, which would be bad.

or we could just tell people that if they mess around with custom
chords (instead of using predefined \maj or \majInversionFirst ),
they need to know the difference between a - sign before and after
a number.

- Graham

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