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Re: Documentation of music functions

From: Valentin Villenave
Subject: Re: Documentation of music functions
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 15:49:06 +0100

2008/11/5 Carl D. Sorensen <address@hidden>:

> Thanks for answering my questions.  So I guess that developers should write
> the doc strings without the _i, and the translators will add the _i when
> they translate the doc string?

... Or developers can write doc strings with _i anyway, just in case
someone wants to translate them at some later point. That being said,
I can't remember having seen any Scheme function localized yet
(whereas the C++ code it generally well localized, though not
necessarily translated).

> I wasn't asking for this documentation in the NR, but it needs to be
> somewhere, IMO.

As a matter of fact, doc strings for music-functions are currently not
gathered anywhere AFAICT (unlike markup commands, or instance). So
localizing them or not doesn't really matter; moreover
automatically-generated doc pages (such as the IR and NR Appendices)
will probably never be translated (not in decades to come, at least).


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