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Re: patch for scm/editor.scm to add KDE (Kate) support.

From: Wilbert Berendsen
Subject: Re: patch for scm/editor.scm to add KDE (Kate) support.
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 14:12:05 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7

Op woensdag 30 januari 2008, schreef Wilbert Berendsen:
> Kate numbers lines starting with 0, so I had to add some code to decrease
> the line number in the textedit:// url by one. The special string
> %(line-1)s is replaced with the line number minus one.

Well, I now discover Kate from KDE3 starts line and col numbering at 0, but 
Kate from KDE4 starts numbering lines and cols with 1.

Lilypond's textedit:// URIs on the other hand, start line numbers with 1 and 
col and char numbers with 0. (If I understand correctly.)

So I guess I better add a textedit protocol wrapper to KDE, so that it 
automagically converts the textedit:// uris to a correct call to Kate. If I 
can get the texteditprotocol handler part of KDE, it can abstract away the 
differences in line and col counting.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
        -- Mahatma Gandi

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