#!/usr/bin/python #### This is extremely alpha software - use at your own risk #### It is derived from lilypond-book #### #### Licence: GPL version 2 or later. ''' Example usage: ''' import __main__ import glob import stat import string import tempfile import commands # Users of python modules should include this snippet # and customize variables below. # We'll suffer this path initialization stuff as long as we don't install # our python packages in /lib/pythonX.Y # If set, LILYPONDPREFIX must take prevalence. # if datadir is not set, we're doing a build and LILYPONDPREFIX. import getopt, os, sys #### #### CHANGE THIS TO WHERE YOUR LILYPOND DATA IS #### PROBABLY SOMETHING LIKE /usr/share/lilypond/xxxxxx #### IF IN DOUBT LOOK IN lilypond-book #### datadir = '/home/invisible/share/lilypond/2.7.23' sys.path.insert (0, os.path.join (datadir, 'python')) # Customize these. #if __name__ == '__main__': import lilylib as ly import fontextract global _;_=ly._ global re;re = ly.re # Lilylib globals. program_version = '2.7.21' program_name = os.path.basename (sys.argv[0]) verbose_p = 0 pseudo_filter_p = 0 original_dir = os.getcwd () backend = 'ps' # lp2tm globals # until \lilytextwidth is implemented textwidth_p = 0 help_summary = _ ( '''Process LilyPond snippets to produces a LaTeX library. Example usage: lilypond-macros --filter="tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'" SPEC lilypond-macros --filter="convert-ly --no-version --from=2.0.0 -" SPEC lilypond-macros --process='lilypond -I include' SPEC ''') copyright = ('Jan Nieuwenhuizen ', 'Han-Wen Nienhuys ', 'Bernard Hurley ') #### #### These options are mostly inherited from lilypond-book #### They are not guaranteed to work! #### option_definitions = [ (_ ("FMT"), 'f', 'format', _ ('''use output format FMT (texi [default], texi-html, latex, html)''')), (_ ("FILTER"), 'F', 'filter', _ ("pipe snippets through FILTER [convert-ly -n -]")), ('', 'h', 'help', _ ("print this help")), (_ ("DIR"), 'I', 'include', _ ("add DIR to include path")), (_ ("DIR"), 'o', 'output', _ ("write output to DIR")), (_ ("COMMAND"), 'P', 'process', _ ("process ly_files using COMMAND FILE...")), ### (_ ("HEADER"), 'H', 'header', ### _ ("extract lilypond HEADER from .ly files")), ('', '', 'psfonts', _ ('''extract all PostScript fonts into INPUT.psfonts for LaTeX must use this with dvips -h INPUT.psfonts''')), ('', 'V', 'verbose', _ ("be verbose")), ('', 'v', 'version', _ ("print version information")), ('', 'w', 'warranty', _ ("show warranty and copyright")), ] include_path = [os.path.abspath (os.getcwd ())] #### #### CHANGE THE PATH TO WHERE YOUR LILYPOND BINARY IS #### PROBABLY SOMETHING LIKE /usr/bin/lilypond #### IF IN DOUBT LOOK IN lilypond-book #### lilypond_binary = os.path.join ('/home/invisible/bin', 'lilypond') lily_headers = [] # Only use installed binary when we are installed too. #### #### CHANGE THE PATH TO WHERE YOUR LILYPOND BINARY IS #### PROBABLY SOMETHING LIKE /usr/bin/lilypond #### IF IN DOUBT LOOK IN lilypond-book #### if '/home/invisible/bin' == ('@' + 'bindir@') or not os.path.exists (lilypond_binary): lilypond_binary = 'lilypond' psfonts_p = 0 use_hash_p = 1 format = 0 output_name = '' filter_cmd = 0 process_cmd = '' default_ly_options = { 'alt': "[image of music]" } # # Is this pythonic? Personally, I find this rather #define-nesque. --hwn # AFTER = 'after' BEFORE = 'before' EXAMPLEINDENT = 'exampleindent' FILTER = 'filter' FRAGMENT = 'fragment' HTML = 'html' INDENT = 'indent' LATEXMACROS = 'latex' LAYOUT = 'layout' LINEWIDTH = 'linewidth' NOFRAGMENT = 'nofragment' NOINDENT = 'noindent' NOQUOTE = 'noquote' ENVIRONMENT = 'environment' NOTES = 'body' NOTIME = 'notime' OUTPUT = 'output' MACROS = 'macros' OUTPUTIMAGE = 'outputimage' PACKED = 'packed' PAPER = 'paper' PREAMBLE = 'preamble' PRINTFILENAME = 'printfilename' QUOTE = 'quote' SYSTEMS = 'systems' RAGGEDRIGHT = 'raggedright' RELATIVE = 'relative' STAFFSIZE = 'staffsize' TEXIDOC = 'texidoc' TEXINFO = 'texinfo' VERBATIM = 'verbatim' HEADER = 'header' CODE = 'code' FULLCODE = 'fullcode' FONTLOAD = 'fontload' FILENAME = 'filename' ALT = 'alt' # make sure string can be a valid LaTeX macro name def latex(str): trans = { '1': 'A', '2': 'B', '3': 'C', '4': 'D', '5': 'E', '6': 'F', '7': 'G', '8': 'H', '9': 'I', '0': 'J', '-': 'K', '_': 'L', '{': 'M', '}': 'N', } res = '' for c in str: if trans.has_key(c): res = res + trans[c] else: res = res + c return res #malke sure a string can appear as latex text def latextext(str): trans = { '$': r'\$', '&': r'\&', '%': r'\%%', '#': r'\#', '_': r'\_', '{': r'\{', '}': r'\}', '\\': r'\backslash', } res = '' for c in str: if trans.has_key(c): res = res + trans[c] else: res = res + c return res # There must be a better way to do this! #default_song = "address@hidden" default_song = "Song" song_counter = 0 def get_song(): global default_song global song_counter song_name = default_song song_counter += 1 song_symbol = latex("%d" % song_counter) str = "%(song_name)s%(song_symbol)s" % vars() return str def reset_song_counter(): global song_counter song_counter = 0 BASEMACROS = r'''%%%% Generated by %(program_name)s \makeatletter %%%% These need to be defined here to stop LaTeX complaining %%%% macros to concatenate strings into macro names %%%% \lily@@join(a,b) calls the macro address@hidden if it exists %%%% otherwise it has the same effect as \relax %%%% note that this makes it fragile \newcommand\lily@@prejoin[5]{#1#2#3#4#5} \def\lily@@join(#1,#2){\csname \lily@@address@hidden \def\lily@@joinX(#1,#2,#3){\csname \lily@@address@hidden@}{#3}\endcsname} \def\ifundefined#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax} address@hidden@counter} address@hidden@limit address@hidden@limit=-1 \newcommand\lily@@beginQ[1]{lily@@join (#1,bq)} \newcommand\lily@@endQ[1]{lily@@join (#1,bq)} address@hidden \newcommand\lilyHeader[2]{%% address@hidden@@join(lily,#1)} \lily@@joinX(address@hidden,h,#2)} \newcommand\lilyInputExample[1]{\input {#1-systems.tex}} %%%% Input a single system \newcommand\lilyInputSingle[2]{%% address@hidden@@join(lily,#1)} \lily@@join(address@hidden,environment) \newcount\n\n=\number#2 address@hidden@limit \relax \ifnum \n<1 lilyInputSingle\{#1\}\{#2\} error: min system number is 1 \else\ifnum \n>\l lilyInputSingle\{#1\}\{#2\} error: max system number is \the\l address@hidden \else\lilyInputRange{#1}{#2}{#2} \fi\fi} \newcommand\lilyInputRange[3]{%% address@hidden@@join(lily,#1)} \lily@@join(address@hidden,environment) address@hidden@limit \newcount\m\m=\number#2 \newcount\n\n=\number#3 \newcount\t \relax \ifnum \m<1 lilyInputRange\{#1\}\{#2\}\{#3\} error: min system number is 1 \else\ifnum\n>\l lilyInputRange\{#1\}\{#2\}\{#3\} error: max system number is \the\l \else\ifnum\n<\m lilyInputRange\{#1\}\{#2\}\{#3\} error: second limit $<$ first limit \else \parindent 0pt \ifx\preLilyPondExample \undefined \relax \else \preLilyPondExample \fi \advance\n by 1 \loop\ifnum\m<\n address@hidden \t=\m \advance\m by 1 \ifnum\m<\l \ifx\betweenLilyPondSystem \undefined \linebreak \else \betweenLilyPondSystem{\the\t} \fi \fi \repeat \ifx\postLilyPondExample \undefined \relax \else \postLilyPondExample \fi \fi\fi\fi} \newcommand\lilyInputSystems[1]{%% address@hidden@@join(lily,#1)} \lily@@join(address@hidden,environment) address@hidden@limit \lily@@beginQ{quotation} address@hidden \lilyInputRange{#1}{1}{\the\l} \lily@@endQ{quotation} } \newcommand\lilyInputVerbatim[1]{%% address@hidden@@join(lily,#1)} address@hidden } %%%% generated macros follow ''' # NOTIME has no opposite so it isn't part of this dictionary. # NOQUOTE is used internally only. no_options = { NOFRAGMENT: FRAGMENT, NOINDENT: INDENT, } # Recognize special sequences in the input. # # (?Pregex) -- Assign result of REGEX to NAME. # *? -- Match non-greedily. # (?m) -- Multiline regex: Make ^ and $ match at each line. # (?s) -- Make the dot match all characters including newline. # (?x) -- Ignore whitespace in patterns. no_match = 'a\ba' snippet_res = { ## LATEXMACROS: { 'include': r'''(?smx) ^[^%\n]*? (?P \\input\s*{ (?P\S+?) })''', 'lilypond': r'''(?smx) ^[^%\n]*? (?P \\lilypond\s*( \[ \s*(?P.*?)\s* \])?\s*{ (?P.*?) })''', 'lilypond_block': r'''(?smx) ^[^%\n]*? (?P \\begin\s*( \[ \s*(?P.*?)\s* \])?\s*{lilypond} (?P.*?) ^[^%\n]*? \\end\s*{lilypond})''', 'lilypond_file': r'''(?smx) ^[^%\n]*? (?P \\lilypondfile\s*( \[ \s*(?P.*?)\s* \])?\s*\{ (?P\S+?) })''', 'multiline_comment': no_match, 'singleline_comment': r'''(?mx) ^.*? (?P (?P %.*$\n+))''', 'verb': r'''(?mx) ^[^%\n]*? (?P (?P \\verb(?P.) .*? (?P=del)))''', 'verbatim': r'''(?msx) ^[^%\n]*? (?P (?P \\begin\s*{verbatim} .*? \\end\s*{verbatim}))''', }, } format_res = { LATEXMACROS: { 'intertext': r',?\s*intertext=\".*?\"', 'option_sep': '\s*,\s*', }, } # Options without a pattern in ly_options. simple_options = [ EXAMPLEINDENT, FRAGMENT, NOFRAGMENT, NOINDENT, PRINTFILENAME, TEXIDOC, VERBATIM, FONTLOAD, FILENAME, ALT ] ly_options = { ## NOTES: { RELATIVE: r'''\relative c%(relative_quotes)s''', }, ## PAPER: { INDENT: r'''indent = %(indent)s''', LINEWIDTH: r'''linewidth = %(linewidth)s''', QUOTE: r'''linewidth = %(linewidth)s - 2.0 * %(exampleindent)s''', RAGGEDRIGHT: r'''raggedright = ##t''', PACKED: r'''packed = ##t''', }, ## LAYOUT: { NOTIME: r''' \context { \Score timing = ##f } \context { \Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver }''', }, ## PREAMBLE: { STAFFSIZE: r'''#(set-global-staff-size %(staffsize)s)''', }, } output = { ## LATEXMACROS: { OUTPUT: r'''\lilyInputSystems{%(song)s}''', ENVIRONMENT: r'''\newcommand\%(base)address@hidden(envstr)s} ''', PRINTFILENAME: '''\\texttt{%(filename)s} ''', QUOTE: r'''\let\lily@@beginQ=\begin \let\lily@@endQ=\end ''', NOQUOTE: r'''\let\lily@@address@hidden \let\lily@@address@hidden ''', # NOQUOTE: r'''\let\%(base)address@hidden@ignore #\let\%(base)address@hidden@ignore #''', VERBATIM: r'''\protect\input %(base)s-verb1.tex ''', FILTER: r'''\begin{lilypond}[%(options)s] %(code)s \end{lilypond}''', }, } macros = { ## LATEXMACROS: { OUTPUT: r'''address@hidden(song)s{%(base)s} ''', PRINTFILENAME: "", SYSTEMS: r'''address@hidden@counter}{0} address@hidden@limit=%(last_system)s ''', CODE: r'''\newcommand\%(base)address@hidden(code)s} ''', VERBATIM: r'''\noindent \begin{verbatim} %(verb)s\end{verbatim} ''', HEADER: r'''\newcommand\%(base)address@hidden@%(headername)s{%(headervalue)s} ''', FILTER: "", }, } PREAMBLE_LY = r'''%%%% Generated by %(program_name)s %%%% Options: [%(option_string)s] #(set! toplevel-score-handler print-score-with-defaults) #(set! toplevel-music-handler (lambda (p m) (print-score-with-defaults p (scorify-music m p)))) #(ly:set-option (quote no-point-and-click)) #(define inside-lilypond-macros #t) #(define version-seen? #t) %(preamble_string)s %% **************************************************************** %% Start cut-&-pastable-section %% **************************************************************** \paper { #(define dump-extents #t) %(font_dump_setting)s %(paper_string)s } \layout { %(layout_string)s } ''' FRAGMENT_LY = r''' %(notes_string)s { %% **************************************************************** %% ly snippet contents follows: %% **************************************************************** %(code)s %% **************************************************************** %% end ly snippet %% **************************************************************** } ''' FULL_LY = ''' %% **************************************************************** %% ly snippet: %% **************************************************************** %(code)s %% **************************************************************** %% end ly snippet %% **************************************************************** ''' texinfo_linewidths = { '@afourpaper': '160\\mm', '@afourwide': '6.5\\in', '@afourlatex': '150\\mm', '@smallbook': '5\\in', '@letterpaper': '6\\in', } def classic_lilypond_book_compatibility (key, value): if key == 'singleline' and value == None: return (RAGGEDRIGHT, None) m = re.search ('relative\s*([-0-9])', key) if m: return ('relative', m.group (1)) m = re.match ('([0-9]+)pt', key) if m: return ('staffsize', m.group (1)) if key == 'indent' or key == 'linewidth': m = re.match ('([-.0-9]+)(cm|in|mm|pt|staffspace)', value) if m: f = float (m.group (1)) return (key, '%f\\%s' % (f, m.group (2))) return (None, None) def find_file (name): for i in include_path: full = os.path.join (i, name) if os.path.exists (full): return full ly.error (_ ("file not found: %s") % name + '\n') ly.exit (1) return '' def split_options (option_string): if option_string: return re.split (format_res[format]['option_sep'], option_string) return [] def invokes_lilypond (): return re.search ('^[\'\"0-9A-Za-z/]*lilypond', process_cmd) LATEX_INSPECTION_DOCUMENT = r''' \nonstopmode %(preamble)s \begin{document} \typeout{textwidth=\the\textwidth} \typeout{columnsep=\the\columnsep} address@hidden \end{document} ''' def get_latex_textwidth(source): global textwidth_p if textwidth_p > 0: return textwidth_p try: m = re.search (r'''(?P\\begin\s*{document})''', source) preamble = source[:m.start (0)] latex_document = LATEX_INSPECTION_DOCUMENT % vars () # Workaround problems with unusable $TMP on Cygwin: tempfile.tempdir = '' tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp('.tex') logfile = os.path.splitext (tmpfile)[0] + '.log' open (tmpfile,'w').write (latex_document) ly.system ('latex %s' % tmpfile) parameter_string = open (logfile).read() os.unlink (tmpfile) os.unlink (logfile) columns = 0 m = re.search ('columns=([0-9.]*)', parameter_string) if m: columns = string.atoi (m.group (1)) columnsep = 0 m = re.search ('columnsep=([0-9.]*)pt', parameter_string) if m: columnsep = string.atof (m.group (1)) textwidth = 0 m = re.search ('textwidth=([0-9.]*)pt', parameter_string) if m: textwidth = string.atof (m.group (1)) if columns: textwidth = (textwidth - columnsep) / columns return textwidth except: defaulttextwidth = 345.0 ly.warning \ (_ ("cannot determine textwidth assuming %0.f\\pt") % defaulttextwidth) return defaulttextwidth def set_default_options (source): global textwidth global default_ly_options if not default_ly_options.has_key (LINEWIDTH): if format == LATEXMACROS: #ly.progress(_ ("Pre-processing source ...\n")) #source = preprocess_latex_source (source) textwidth = get_latex_textwidth (source) default_ly_options[LINEWIDTH] = \ '''%.0f\\pt''' % textwidth return source class Chunk: def replacement_text (self): return '' def filter_text (self): return self.replacement_text () def macro_text (self): return '' def ly_is_outdated (self): return 0 def png_is_outdated (self): return 0 def is_plain (self): return False class Substring (Chunk): def __init__ (self, source, start, end, line_number): self.source = source self.start = start self.end = end self.line_number = line_number self.override_text = None self.override_macro = None def is_plain (self): return True def replacement_text (self): if self.override_text: return self.override_text else: return self.source[self.start:self.end] def macro_text (self): if self.override_macro: return self.override_macro else: return '' class Snippet (Chunk): def __init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number): self.type = type self.match = match self.hash = 0 self.option_dict = {} self.format = format self.line_number = line_number def replacement_text (self): return self.match.group ('match') def substring (self, s): return self.match.group (s) def __repr__ (self): return `self.__class__` + ' type = ' + self.type class Include_snippet (Snippet): def processed_filename (self): f = self.substring ('filename') return os.path.splitext (f)[0] + format2ext[format] def replacement_text (self): s = self.match.group ('match') f = self.substring ('filename') return re.sub (f, self.processed_filename (), s) class Lilypond_snippet (Snippet): def __init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number): Snippet.__init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number) os = match.group ('options') self.do_options (os, self.type) def ly (self): return self.substring ('code') def full_ly (self): s = self.ly () if s: return self.compose_ly (s) return '' def do_options (self, option_string, type): self.option_dict = {} options = split_options (option_string) for i in options: if string.find (i, '=') > 0: (key, value) = re.split ('\s*=\s*', i) self.option_dict[key] = value else: if i in no_options.keys (): if no_options[i] in self.option_dict.keys (): del self.option_dict[no_options[i]] else: self.option_dict[i] = None has_linewidth = self.option_dict.has_key (LINEWIDTH) no_linewidth_value = 0 # If LINEWIDTH is used without parameter, set it to default. if has_linewidth and self.option_dict[LINEWIDTH] == None: no_linewidth_value = 1 del self.option_dict[LINEWIDTH] for i in default_ly_options.keys (): if i not in self.option_dict.keys (): self.option_dict[i] = default_ly_options[i] if not has_linewidth: if type == 'lilypond' or FRAGMENT in self.option_dict.keys (): self.option_dict[RAGGEDRIGHT] = None if type == 'lilypond': if LINEWIDTH in self.option_dict.keys (): del self.option_dict[LINEWIDTH] else: if RAGGEDRIGHT in self.option_dict.keys (): if LINEWIDTH in self.option_dict.keys (): del self.option_dict[LINEWIDTH] if QUOTE in self.option_dict.keys () or type == 'lilypond': if LINEWIDTH in self.option_dict.keys (): del self.option_dict[LINEWIDTH] if not INDENT in self.option_dict.keys (): self.option_dict[INDENT] = '0\\mm' # The QUOTE pattern from ly_options only emits the `linewidth' # keyword. if has_linewidth and QUOTE in self.option_dict.keys (): if no_linewidth_value: del self.option_dict[LINEWIDTH] else: del self.option_dict[QUOTE] def compose_ly (self, code): if FRAGMENT in self.option_dict.keys (): body = FRAGMENT_LY else: body = FULL_LY # Defaults. relative = 1 override = {} override[EXAMPLEINDENT] = r'0.4\in' override[LINEWIDTH] = texinfo_linewidths['@smallbook'] override.update (default_ly_options) option_list = [] for (key, value) in self.option_dict.items (): if value == None: option_list.append (key) else: option_list.append (key + '=' + value) option_string = string.join (option_list, ',') compose_dict = {} compose_types = [NOTES, PREAMBLE, LAYOUT, PAPER] for a in compose_types: compose_dict[a] = [] for (key, value) in self.option_dict.items (): (c_key, c_value) = \ classic_lilypond_book_compatibility (key, value) if c_key: if c_value: ly.warning \ (_ ("deprecated ly-option used: %s=%s" \ % (key, value))) ly.warning \ (_ ("compatibility mode translation: %s=%s" \ % (c_key, c_value))) else: ly.warning \ (_ ("deprecated ly-option used: %s" \ % key)) ly.warning \ (_ ("compatibility mode translation: %s" \ % c_key)) (key, value) = (c_key, c_value) if value: override[key] = value else: if not override.has_key (key): override[key] = None found = 0 for type in compose_types: if ly_options[type].has_key (key): compose_dict[type].append (ly_options[type][key]) found = 1 break if not found and key not in simple_options: ly.warning (_ ("ignoring unknown ly option: %s") % key) # URGS if RELATIVE in override.keys () and override[RELATIVE]: relative = string.atoi (override[RELATIVE]) relative_quotes = '' # 1 = central C if relative < 0: relative_quotes += ',' * (- relative) elif relative > 0: relative_quotes += "'" * relative program_name = __main__.program_name paper_string = string.join (compose_dict[PAPER], '\n ') % override layout_string = string.join (compose_dict[LAYOUT], '\n ') % override notes_string = string.join (compose_dict[NOTES], '\n ') % vars () preamble_string = string.join (compose_dict[PREAMBLE], '\n ') % override font_dump_setting = '' if FONTLOAD in self.option_dict: font_dump_setting = '#(define-public force-eps-font-include #t)\n' return (PREAMBLE_LY + body) % vars () # TODO: Use md5? def get_hash (self): if not self.hash: self.hash = abs (hash (self.full_ly ())) return self.hash # note that characters in basename should be valid in a LaTeX macro name def basename (self): if FILENAME in self.option_dict: return self.option_dict[FILENAME] if use_hash_p: return latex('lily-%d' % self.get_hash ()) raise 'to be done' def write_ly (self): base = self.basename () outf = open (base + '.ly', 'w') outf.write (self.full_ly ()) # open (base + '.txt', 'w').write ('image of music') verb = self.ly () str = (macros[LATEXMACROS][VERBATIM] % vars ()) write_if_updated (base + '-verb1.tex', [str]) def ly_is_outdated (self): base = self.basename () tex_file = '%s.tex' % base eps_file = '%s.eps' % base system_file = '%s-systems.tex' % base ly_file = '%s.ly' % base vb_file = '%s-verb.tex' % base vb1_file = '%s-verb1.tex' % base # beginquote_file = '%s-beginquote.tex' % base # endquote_file = '%s-endquote.tex' % base #### TO DO - use a list for this ok = os.path.exists (ly_file) \ and os.path.exists (vb_file)\ and os.path.exists (vb1_file)\ and os.path.exists (system_file)\ and os.stat (system_file)[stat.ST_SIZE] \ and re.match ('% eof', open (system_file).readlines ()[-1]) if ok and (not use_hash_p or FILENAME in self.option_dict): ok = (self.full_ly () == open (ly_file).read ()) if ok: # TODO: Do something smart with target formats # (ps, png) and m/ctimes. return None return self def png_is_outdated (self): base = self.basename () ok = self.ly_is_outdated() if format == HTML or format == TEXINFO: ok = ok and os.path.exists (base + '.eps') page_count = 0 if ok: page_count = ly.ps_page_count (base + '.eps') if page_count == 1: ok = ok and os.path.exists (base + '.png') elif page_count > 1: for a in range (1, page_count + 1): ok = ok and os.path.exists (base + '-page%d.png' % a) return not ok def texstr_is_outdated (self): if backend == 'ps': return 0 base = self.basename () ok = self.ly_is_outdated () ok = ok and (os.path.exists (base + '.texstr')) return not ok def filter_text (self): code = self.substring ('code') s = run_filter (code) d = { 'code': s, 'options': self.match.group ('options') } # TODO return output[self.format][FILTER] % d def replacement_text (self): func = Lilypond_snippet.__dict__['output_' + self.format] return func (self) def macro_text (self): return self.output_macros () def get_images (self): base = self.basename () # URGUGHUGHUGUGH single = '%(base)s.png' % vars () multiple = '%(base)s-page1.png' % vars () images = (single,) if os.path.exists (multiple) \ and (not os.path.exists (single) \ or (os.stat (multiple)[stat.ST_MTIME] \ > os.stat (single)[stat.ST_MTIME])): count = ly.ps_page_count ('%(base)s.eps' % vars ()) images = ['%s-page%d.png' % (base, a) for a in range (1, count+1)] images = tuple (images) return images def output_latex (self): str = '' base = self.basename () song = get_song() if format == LATEXMACROS: str += self.output_print_filename (LATEXMACROS) str += (output[LATEXMACROS][OUTPUT] % vars ()) return str def output_macros (self): song = get_song() str = '' infostr = '' verbstr = '' envstr = '' base = self.basename () str = macros[LATEXMACROS][OUTPUT] % vars () code = self.ly () if VERBATIM in self.option_dict: verbstr += (output[LATEXMACROS][VERBATIM] % vars ()) write_if_updated (base + '-verb.tex', [verbstr]) if QUOTE in self.option_dict: envstr += (output[LATEXMACROS][QUOTE] % vars ()) else: envstr += (output[LATEXMACROS][NOQUOTE] % vars ()) ## This bit extracts headers ## Issues: ## 1] Can't have "}" in header block ## This would require a parser instead of using regular expressions ## 2] All LaTeX code in a header block is escaped so that it prints ## "verbatim". When 1] is fixed it should be possible to implement the ## option of including LaTeX code ## reg = re.compile(r'''(?s).*\\header\s*{(?P[^}]*).*''') ## extracts the first header block if reg.search(code): headerblock = reg.sub(r"\g",code) reg1 = re.compile(r'''((?P[a-zA-Z]+)\s*=\s*"(?P[^"]*)")''') ## gets headers + separators! headerlist = reg1.split(headerblock) for i in headerlist: if reg1.match(i): headername = latex(reg1.sub(r"\g",i)) headervalue = latextext(reg1.sub(r"\g",i)) str += (macros[LATEXMACROS][HEADER] % vars()) #### r = re.compile(r"\\includegraphics{%(base)s-(?P[0-9]*)\.eps}\s*" % vars()) try: file = open("%s-systems.tex" % base) last_system = file.readlines()[-2] last_system = r.sub("\g", last_system) envstr += macros[LATEXMACROS][SYSTEMS] % vars () except: pass # add the environment str += (output[LATEXMACROS][ENVIRONMENT] % vars ()) return str def output_print_filename (self, format): str = '' if PRINTFILENAME in self.option_dict: base = self.basename () filename = self.substring ('filename') str = output[format][PRINTFILENAME] % vars () return str class Lilypond_file_snippet (Lilypond_snippet): def ly (self): name = self.substring ('filename') return '\\renameinput \"%s\"\n%s' \ % (name, open (find_file (name)).read ()) snippet_type_to_class = { 'lilypond_file': Lilypond_file_snippet, 'lilypond_block': Lilypond_snippet, 'lilypond': Lilypond_snippet, 'include': Include_snippet, } def find_linestarts (s): nls = [0] start = 0 end = len (s) while 1: i = s.find ('\n', start) if i < 0: break i = i + 1 nls.append (i) start = i nls.append (len (s)) return nls def find_toplevel_snippets (s, types): res = {} for i in types: res[i] = ly.re.compile (snippet_res[format][i]) snippets = [] index = 0 found = {} map (lambda x, f = found: f.setdefault (x, None), types) line_starts = find_linestarts (s) line_start_idx = 0 # We want to search for multiple regexes, without searching # the string multiple times for one regex. # Hence, we use earlier results to limit the string portion # where we search. # Since every part of the string is traversed at most once for # every type of snippet, this is linear. while 1: first = None endex = 1 << 30 for type in types: if not found[type] or found[type][0] < index: found[type] = None m = res[type].search (s[index:endex]) if not m: continue cl = Snippet if snippet_type_to_class.has_key (type): cl = snippet_type_to_class[type] start = index + m.start ('match') line_number = line_start_idx while (line_starts[line_number] < start): line_number += 1 line_number += 1 snip = cl (type, m, format, line_number) found[type] = (start, snip) if found[type] \ and (not first \ or found[type][0] < found[first][0]): first = type # FIXME. # Limiting the search space is a cute # idea, but this *requires* to search # for possible containing blocks # first, at least as long as we do not # search for the start of blocks, but # always/directly for the entire # @block ... @end block. endex = found[first][0] if not first: snippets.append (Substring (s, index, len (s), line_start_idx)) break while (start > line_starts[line_start_idx+1]): line_start_idx += 1 (start, snip) = found[first] snippets.append (Substring (s, index, start, line_start_idx + 1)) snippets.append (snip) found[first] = None index = start + len (snip.match.group ('match')) return snippets def filter_pipe (input, cmd): if verbose_p: ly.progress (_ ("Opening filter `%s'") % cmd) (stdin, stdout, stderr) = os.popen3 (cmd) stdin.write (input) status = stdin.close () if not status: status = 0 output = stdout.read () status = stdout.close () error = stderr.read () if not status: status = 0 signal = 0x0f & status if status or (not output and error): exit_status = status >> 8 ly.error (_ ("`%s' failed (%d)") % (cmd, exit_status)) ly.error (_ ("The error log is as follows:")) sys.stderr.write (error) sys.stderr.write (stderr.read ()) ly.exit (status) if verbose_p: ly.progress ('\n') return output def run_filter (s): return filter_pipe (s, filter_cmd) def is_derived_class (cl, baseclass): if cl == baseclass: return 1 for b in cl.__bases__: if is_derived_class (b, baseclass): return 1 return 0 def process_snippets (cmd, ly_snippets, texstr_snippets, png_snippets): ly_names = filter (lambda x: x, map (Lilypond_snippet.basename, ly_snippets)) texstr_names = filter (lambda x: x, map (Lilypond_snippet.basename, texstr_snippets)) png_names = filter (lambda x: x, map (Lilypond_snippet.basename, png_snippets)) status = 0 def my_system (cmd): status = ly.system (cmd, ignore_error = 1, progress_p = 1) if status: ly.error ('Process %s exited unsuccessfully.' % cmd) raise Compile_error # UGH # the --process=CMD switch is a bad idea # it is too generic for lilypond-macros. if texstr_names and invokes_lilypond: my_system (string.join ([cmd, '--backend texstr', 'snippet-map.ly'] + texstr_names)) for l in texstr_names: my_system ('latex %s.texstr' % l) if ly_names: my_system (string.join ([cmd, 'snippet-map.ly'] + ly_names)) ext2format = { '.latex': LATEXMACROS, '.lytex': LATEXMACROS, '.tex': LATEXMACROS, } format2ext = { LATEXMACROS: '.tex', } class Compile_error: pass def write_file_map (lys, name): snippet_map = open ('snippet-map.ly', 'w') snippet_map.write (""" #(define version-seen? #t) #(ly:add-file-name-alist '( """) for ly in lys: snippet_map.write ('("%s.ly" . "%s:%d (%s.ly)")\n' % (ly.basename (), name, ly.line_number, ly.basename ())) snippet_map.write ('))\n') def do_process_cmd (chunks, input_name): all_lys = filter (lambda x: is_derived_class (x.__class__, Lilypond_snippet), chunks) write_file_map (all_lys, input_name) ly_outdated = \ filter (lambda x: is_derived_class (x.__class__, Lilypond_snippet) and x.ly_is_outdated (), chunks) texstr_outdated = \ filter (lambda x: is_derived_class (x.__class__, Lilypond_snippet) and x.texstr_is_outdated (), chunks) png_outdated = \ filter (lambda x: is_derived_class (x.__class__, Lilypond_snippet) and x.png_is_outdated (), chunks) ly.progress (_ ("Writing snippets...\n")) map (Lilypond_snippet.write_ly, ly_outdated) ly.progress ('\n') if ly_outdated: ly.progress (_ ("Processing...")) ly.progress ('\n') process_snippets (process_cmd, ly_outdated, texstr_outdated, png_outdated) else: ly.progress (_ ("All snippets are up to date...")) ly.progress ('\n') def guess_format (input_filename): format = None e = os.path.splitext (input_filename)[1] if e in ext2format.keys (): # FIXME format = ext2format[e] else: #ly.error (_ ("can't determine format for: %s" \ # % input_filename)) #ly.exit (1) format = LATEXMACROS return format def write_if_updated (file_name, lines): try: f = open (file_name) oldstr = f.read () new_str = string.join (lines, '') if oldstr == new_str: ly.progress (_ ("%s is up to date.") % file_name) ly.progress ('\n') return except: pass ly.progress (_ ("Writing `%s'...") % file_name) open (file_name, 'w').writelines (lines) ly.progress ('\n') def do_file (input_filename): # Ugh. if not input_filename or input_filename == '-': in_handle = sys.stdin input_fullname = '' else: if os.path.exists (input_filename): input_fullname = input_filename elif format == LATEXMACROS and ly.search_exe_path ('kpsewhich'): # urg python interface to libkpathsea? input_fullname = ly.read_pipe ('kpsewhich ' + input_filename)[:-1] else: input_fullname = find_file (input_filename) in_handle = open (input_fullname) if input_filename == '-': input_base = 'stdin' else: input_base = os.path.basename \ (os.path.splitext (input_filename)[0]) # Only default to stdout when filtering. if output_name == '-' or (not output_name and filter_cmd): output_filename = '-' output_file = sys.stdout else: # don't complain when output_name is existing output_filename = input_base + format2ext[format] if format == LATEXMACROS: macro_filename = input_base + '.mac' if output_name: if not os.path.isdir (output_name): os.mkdir (output_name, 0777) os.chdir (output_name) else: if os.path.exists (input_filename) \ and os.path.exists (output_filename) \ and os.path.samefile (output_filename, input_fullname): ly.error ( _ ("Output would overwrite input file; use --output.")) ly.exit (2) try: ly.progress (_ ("Reading %s...") % input_fullname) source = in_handle.read () ly.progress ('\n') if format == LATEXMACROS: source = set_default_options (source) else: set_default_options (source) # FIXME: Containing blocks must be first, see # find_toplevel_snippets. snippet_types = ( 'multiline_comment', 'verbatim', 'lilypond_block', # 'verb', 'singleline_comment', 'lilypond_file', 'include', 'lilypond', ) ly.progress (_ ("Dissecting...")) chunks = find_toplevel_snippets (source, snippet_types) if format == LATEXMACROS: program_name = __main__.program_name chunks[0].override_macro = BASEMACROS r = re.compile(r'''(?P\\documentclass(\s*\[[a-zA-Z_0-9 ]+\])?\s*{[a-zA-Z_0-9 ]+})''') for c in chunks: if c.is_plain(): if r.search(c.replacement_text()): str = c.replacement_text() str = r.sub(r"\g" + '\n' + r"\\usepackage {graphics}" + '\n' + r"\\input{%s}" % macro_filename, str) c.override_text = str break ly.progress ('\n') if filter_cmd: ## TO DO - LATEXMACROS reset_song_counter() write_if_updated (output_filename, [c.filter_text () for c in chunks]) elif process_cmd: do_process_cmd (chunks, input_fullname) ly.progress (_ ("Compiling %s...") % output_filename) ly.progress ('\n') if format == LATEXMACROS: reset_song_counter() chunks[-1].override_macro = chunks[-1].macro_text() \ + '\n' + r"\makeatother" write_if_updated (macro_filename, [s.macro_text () for s in chunks]) reset_song_counter() write_if_updated (output_filename, [s.replacement_text () for s in chunks]) def process_include (snippet): os.chdir (original_dir) name = snippet.substring ('filename') ly.progress (_ ("Processing include: %s") % name) ly.progress ('\n') return do_file (name) include_chunks = map (process_include, filter (lambda x: is_derived_class (x.__class__, Include_snippet), chunks)) return chunks + reduce (lambda x,y: x + y, include_chunks, []) except Compile_error: os.chdir (original_dir) ly.progress (_ ("Removing `%s'") % output_filename) ly.progress ('\n') raise Compile_error def do_options (): global format, output_name, psfonts_p global filter_cmd, process_cmd, verbose_p (sh, long) = ly.getopt_args (option_definitions) try: (options, files) = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], sh, long) except getopt.error, s: sys.stderr.write ('\n') ly.error (_ ("getopt says: `%s'" % s)) sys.stderr.write ('\n') ly.help () ly.exit (2) for opt in options: o = opt[0] a = opt[1] if 0: pass elif o == '--filter' or o == '-F': filter_cmd = a process_cmd = 0 #elif o == '--format' or o == '-f': #format = a #if a == 'texi-html' or a == 'texi': #format = TEXINFO #elif o == '--tex-backend ': #backend = 'tex' elif o == '--help' or o == '-h': ly.help () sys.exit (0) elif o == '--include' or o == '-I': include_path.append (os.path.join (original_dir, os.path.abspath (a))) elif o == '--header' or o =='-H': lily_headers.append(a) elif o == '--output' or o == '-o': output_name = a elif o == '--process' or o == '-P': process_cmd = a filter_cmd = 0 elif o == '--version' or o == '-v': ly.identify (sys.stdout) sys.exit (0) elif o == '--verbose' or o == '-V': verbose_p = 1 elif o == '--psfonts': psfonts_p = 1 elif o == '--warranty' or o == '-w': if 1 or status: ly.warranty () sys.exit (0) return files progress_point=0 def debug_progress (m): global progress_point progress_point += 1 prog = progress_point mess = m ly.progress ("Debugging: %(prog)d - %(mess)s\n" % vars ()) def main (): files = do_options () if not files or len (files) > 1: ly.help () ly.exit (2) file = files[0] basename = os.path.splitext (file)[0] basename = os.path.split (basename)[1] global process_cmd, format if not format: format = guess_format (files[0]) formats = 'ps' if process_cmd == '': process_cmd = lilypond_binary \ + ' --formats=%s --backend eps ' % formats if process_cmd: process_cmd += string.join ([(' -I %s' % commands.mkarg (p)) for p in include_path]) #### Will headers work? process_cmd += string.join([(' -H %s' % p) for p in lily_headers]) ly.identify (sys.stderr) try: chunks = do_file (file) if psfonts_p and invokes_lilypond (): fontextract.verbose = verbose_p snippet_chunks = filter (lambda x: is_derived_class (x.__class__, Lilypond_snippet), chunks) psfonts_file = basename + '.psfonts' if not verbose_p: ly.progress (_ ("Writing fonts to %s...") % psfonts_file) fontextract.extract_fonts (psfonts_file, [x.basename() + '.eps' for x in snippet_chunks]) if not verbose_p: ly.progress ('\n') except Compile_error: ly.exit (1) if format == LATEXMACROS: if not psfonts_p: ly.warning (_ ("option --psfonts not used")) ly.warning (_ ("processing ith dvips will have no fonts")) psfonts_file = os.path.join (output_name, basename + '.psfonts') output = os.path.join (output_name, basename + '.dvi' ) ly.progress ('\n') ly.progress (_ ("DVIPS usage:")) ly.progress ('\n') ly.progress (" dvips -h %(psfonts_file)s %(output)s" % vars ()) ly.progress ('\n') if __name__ == '__main__': main ()