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Re: News for Typesetting Drumsets with Lily

From: Rune Zedeler
Subject: Re: News for Typesetting Drumsets with Lily
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 13:03:39 +0200

You have forgot the important "which Lily-version do I use"-information.
I assume 1.4.4.

Wolfgang wrote:

> First: You can not build "combined" Music (Drums plus other Instruments)
> while using "" and "" (or the other national settings)
> TOGETHER! This is absolutly clear, because you define every "note" twice,
> once for the correct drum pitch and the other for the normal note pitch.

No this is not absolutely clear - I do not understand what you mean.
It is true that overrides the settings done in i.e. - so that you have to include the right file just before you
use it. But it is not true that you cannot use drum-pitch together with

If I have not understood you correctly please explain.
Attached example (with correct midi output) with both drums and notes.

> - We need a extra definition for DrumSet Instruments not in collision with
> normal notes (no PITCHES!) for combined Music.

No, then the midi output would be wrong. Why would you do this?

> - the arrangement of the notes for the drumset on paper should be done with
> "shifting" them up or down (no printing on the same line)

It IS shifted up and down. Look at the example.
Notice the two score blocks. One for the paper and one for the midi.

> And at last a question: Can we play music and drumset together on the same
> midi-keyboard? I do not have such a keyboard.

Yes. It works in i.e. timidity.

\include ""
\version "1.4.4"

\header {
   title = "Palm Grease"
   subtitle = "Rytmegroove"
   composer = "Herbie Hancock"
   piece = "ITP aflevering af Rune Zedeler, hold B"

\include ""
hhhh = \notes {hhc16 hhc hhc hhc}

perc = \notes \repeat "volta" 2 \repeat "unfold" 2 {r2 ss16 ss ss ss ss ss r8 
ss16 ss ss8 r4 r2}

druma = \notes \repeat "volta" 2 \repeat "unfold" 2 {\hhhh \hhhh \hhhh \hhhh 
hhc16 hhc16 hhc8 r4 r8 hho8 r4}

drumb = \notes \repeat "volta" 2 \repeat "unfold" 2 {bd4 sn bd sn8. bd16 r8 bd 
r8 sn r4 r8 sn}

\include ""

klavia = \notes \relative c' \repeat "volta" 2 {
       <a16 cis fis> <g8 h e> <g16 h e> r4 r r16 <fis16 his> r8
       <g4 cis> r4 r8 \grace{<dis'8 gis>} <e4 a> <g,8 h e>
       <a16 cis fis> <g8 h e> <g16 h e> r4 r r16 <fis16 his> r8
       <g4 cis> r4 r8 \grace{<dis'8 gis>} <e4. a>

klavib = \notes \relative c' \repeat "volta" 2 {
       <h16 e g> <a8 cis fis> <a16 cis fis> r16 <g16 h e> r <g h e> r4 a8 a
       <h16 e g> <a8 cis fis> <g16 h e> r4 r8 <fis8 his> <g4 cis>
       <h16 e g> <a8 cis fis> <a16 cis fis> r16 <g16 h e> r <g h e> r4 a8 a
       <h16 e g> <a8 cis fis> <g16 h e> r4 r8 <fis8 his> <g4 cis>

bas = \notes \transpose c \repeat "volta" 2 {
       c'16 a a, a, r8 a16 g r8 a a16 a, a, a,
       r8 a r4 r \grace{h8} d'4
       c'16 a a, a, r8 a16 g r8 a a16 a, a, a,
       r16 a r a, r4 r \grace{h8} d'4

\score {
   \notes { \context StaffGroup <
       \context Staff=ka { \key a \mixolydian \clef "G_8"
          \property Staff.instrument = "Clavi 1"
          \property Staff.instr = "cl1"
       \context Staff=kb { \key a \mixolydian \clef "G_8"
          \property Staff.instrument = "Clavi 2"
          \property Staff.instr = "cl2"
       \context Staff=ba { \key a \minor \clef "F_8"
          \property Staff.instrument = "Bass"
          \property Staff.instr = "bas"
       \context RhythmicStaff=pe {
          \property RhythmicStaff.instrument = "Percussion"
          \property RhythmicStaff.instr = "prc"
          \apply #(drums->paper 'drums) \perc}
       \context Staff=dr { \clef "percussion"
          \property Staff.instrument = "Drums"
          \property Staff.instr = "dr"
          \property Staff.Script \override #'padding = #0.5
          \apply #(drums->paper 'drums)
          <{\stemUp \druma} \context Voice=another{\stemDown \drumb}>}
   > }
    \translator { 
      \StaffContext \consists "Instrument_name_engraver"
    \translator { 
      \RhythmicStaffContext \consists "Instrument_name_engraver"
    linewidth = 17.5 \cm

\score {
   \notes { <
       \context Staff=ka {
          \property Staff.instrument = "clav"
          \repeat unfold 2 \klavia \repeat unfold 2 \klavib}
       \context Staff=ba { 
          \property Staff.instrument = "electric bass (finger)"
           \repeat unfold 4 \bas}
       \context Staff=dr {
          \property Staff.instrument = "drums"
           \repeat unfold 4 <\perc \druma \drumb>}
   > }
     \tempo 4=112


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