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Re: [libmicrohttpd] Can handle Content-Type = application/json ?

From: Justin Graves
Subject: Re: [libmicrohttpd] Can handle Content-Type = application/json ?
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2019 09:11:37 -0600

We are running libmicrohttpd in an API which uses JSON in both request and response bodies almost exclusively with no issue. We do also use form data. If the client sends a body with "application/json" as the "Content-Type" header, we will see whatever they sent via MHD_get_connection_values.

I have just verified this, using libmicrohttp v0.9.62, by sending a request with a "Content-Type" header of "application/json", then using MHD_get_connection_values with MHD_HEADER_KIND, and it gives me a key of "Content-Type" exactly once with a value of "application/json".

Perhaps providing example code related to your header parsing would help?

Justin Graves
On Feb 22, 2019, 3:02 AM -0600, Hedin, Richard (InfoSys) <address@hidden>, wrote:



I am using libmicrohttpd to make, naturally, a web server.  The client wants to send me a post request with a content type of “application/json”.


Libmicrohttpd doesn’t seem to support application/json.  Only "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and "multipart/form-data".  I tried using MHD_set_connection_value as the source code suggested, but it doesn’t work.  I suspect it doesn’t replace the existing Content-Type key, but adds a header to the end.


Does libmicrohttpd just not work for this case?  I don’t feel I can tell my client not to send me application/json.  It’s such an obvious and commonly accepted format.




                         Regards, Rick


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