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Re: [libmicrohttpd] Aync handling & message response

From: Robert D Kocisko
Subject: Re: [libmicrohttpd] Aync handling & message response
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2018 11:14:11 -0400

Christian / Kunal,

Doesn't the suspend_resume_epoll.c example cover this exact case?

- Bob

On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 5:35 AM Christian Grothoff <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear Kunal,

Yes, you can do all this, including raw epoll, no threads and storing
connection details in '*cls'.  I just don't have an example that does
all this at once ;-)

Happy hacking!


On 08/27/2018 11:15 AM, Kunal Ekawde wrote:
> Hi,
> With ref to:
> ,
> I gone through twister, but looks like this is sync operation. The curl
> operation is performed sync in same thread. I wanted to know if there is
> a way to make it async, so basically on receiving the data callback
> (entire data), we should be able to store the connection details (cls ?)
> so that server can do some other task, like may be fetch from DB. When
> server is ready with response, it should be able to call
> MHD_queue_response with the stored connection details. When it breaks to
> fetch from DB, it could also handle other incoming requests. 
> Let me know If I'm missing something here or if there is any pointers
> w.r.t use of MHD in this way preferably using raw epoll instead of GNUnet.
> Threading model interested is : Application is single threaded with its
> own epoll, MHD not to create any threads.
> Thanks,
> ~Kunal

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