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Re: [libmicrohttpd] Draft of CMake build script

From: Štefan Bellus
Subject: Re: [libmicrohttpd] Draft of CMake build script
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 21:42:23 +0200

Ok i will try to find time to finish configuration part of CMakeLists.txt and add other target as well.

Typed with thumbs.

On Jul 20, 2017 2:57 PM, "Evgeny Grin" <address@hidden> wrote:
On 20.07.2017 10:22, Štefan Bellus wrote:
> Sorry That I do no reply on mails, but I did not received any even if I
> am subscribed.
> I only noticed your reply in archive.

Try to check "spam".

>> By using CMake we could get rid of MSVC projects, but maintaining
> CMake is way harder then MSVC project in current state
> Yes. The benefit will be achieved only if you  use only CMake. No
> autotools, MSVC projects.
> I convert the autotools to CMake to check if possible to replace it with
> CMake.
> I found out that it is possible. It take me 2 days to convert it. But it
> not waste of time. I learn how to configure sources in CMake and I learn
> also how autotools configure sources.

I suggest you to put your result to some public repo. May be others will
find your CMake setup useful.

>> What about meson?
> It is cool. The syntax is nice. They keep the idea of describing the
> build in general language and
> let the back-end (CMake or meson) to generate specific commands for
> underlying build systems.
> The syntax of this general language is much better in meson.
> I votes for meson :)
> I am little bit skeptic because more and more people start to use CMake
> nowadays. But meson is written in python and a lot of more people can
> use python as C/CPP (CMake is written in C/CPP) and contribute to meson.
> I guess if meson also introduce some package manager for C (something
> like Java maven repositories or C# Nuget) they will win.
> I am a maintainer of project that depends on your library. I would love
> if you can provide same build system on all platforms. It really make
> thinks easier.

As I said, you can try to maintain your CMake configuration. If there
will be mass demand for CMake, we could come back to this question.

Best Wishes,
Evgeny Grin

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