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Re: [libmicrohttpd] Building under MinGW

From: Andre Colomb
Subject: Re: [libmicrohttpd] Building under MinGW
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 02:33:00 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090701)

Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> Has anyone else done a build under MinGW lately?

I succeeded in building the latest version from SVN about two weeks ago.
The current versions were PlibC r39 and libmicrohttpd r8825. It was a
real pain to get all the dependencies correct and there were some
problems with case-sensitive include names (Ws2tcpip.h and Commdlg.h).

Most of the dependencies can be satisfied from the MinGW download area
(use *-mingw32 packages, not the *-msys ones), even pthreads-win32. It's
listed under the GCC Version 4 category. I'm afraid I can't give you
every detail, I got lost in the process of trying different options for
./configure and the LIBS and CPPFLAGS environment variables. You also
need newer versions of the GNU autotools than installed by default in
MinGW. At some point I think I even had to symlink autoconf to
autoconf2.63 (same with autoheader, automake, etc.) so it would be used
by default.

I also tried cross-compiling with MinGW under Linux using GCC 4.4.0
(MinGW under Windows still uses 3.4.5) and it worked after some of the
same tweaking.

Let me know if you still encounter problems, maybe it's a problem I've
solved already. If anything goes wrong with configure or during
compilation, it's always a good idea to look at the config.log file.

Good luck!
From: Andre Colomb <address@hidden>

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