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[Libcdio-devel] lsn versus lba versus msf

From: Robert William Fuller
Subject: [Libcdio-devel] lsn versus lba versus msf
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 15:31:41 -0500
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There is a problem with the libcdio documentation in the section titled, "6.2 block addressing (MSF, LSN, LBA)". This is accessible on the web at

The last part of the section says, "So to convert a LBA into an LSN you just add 150." To begin with, this is backwards. The code looks like this:

    #define CDIO_PREGAP_SECTORS  150

        cdio_lba_to_lsn (lba_t lba)
          if (CDIO_INVALID_LBA     == lba) return CDIO_INVALID_LSN;
          return lba - CDIO_PREGAP_SECTORS;

Clearly, to convert from LBA to LSN you subtract 150, not add 150. Alright, so that is relatively minor.

The thing I've struggled with the most over time is that what libcdio calls LSN is what the MMC spec calls LBA. You can see this most clearly in the function cdio_lsn_to_msf. That function follows the precise formula in MMC-3 Draft Revision 10g on page 282 for converting from MMC's LBA to MSF. But, note that the function is called cdio_lsn_to_msf because what libcdio calls an LSN is an LBA in the MMC spec.

You can also see this in the MMC commands themselves. Although they take LSN parameters, there is no conversion from LSN to LBA, even though MMC itself expects LBA. Note that macros such as CDIO_MMC_SET_READ_LBA are passed unmodified LSNs. Again, that is because what libcdio calls an LSN is what MMC calls an LBA.

So what is my point? This is confusing to people developing applications. libcdio's LSN is really MMC's LBA. What libcdio calls LBA is not what MMC calls LBA. libcdio's LBA is basically a non-negative version of MMC's LBA (because the program area starts at MMC LBA = -150 and libcdio_LBA = MMC_LBA + 150.)

Now curiously enough, libcdio is not the only library suffering from this delusion. Take libcddb. It calls things LBAs, but expects what libcdio calls an LBA rather than what MMC calls an LBA. You can see this in sample code where cdio_get_track_lba is used to call cddb_track_set_frame_offset. It almost seems like a conspiracy.

Is there a way out of the madness?  Or do we just need better documentation?


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