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[Koha-devel] pagination bar

From: Pierrick LE GALL
Subject: [Koha-devel] pagination bar
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 14:39:02 +0200

Hi koha-devel,

2 days ago, I've commited a new function pagination_bar in C4::Output
module (was it the right place?). This function builds the HTML code of
a pagination bar:

CVS Log> improved: C4::Output::pagination_bar builds an HTML pagination
CVS Log> bar with no language dependency. This function hugely
CVS Log> simplifies templates and offers a standard pagination method.
CVS Log> This function also improves preformances.

The idea is to always use the same function to create a pagination bar.
The pagination bar will always look the same. What I've seen so far in
templates is N pagination bars, each one using a slightly different
algorithm. One pagination bar was even picture based! (limited to 16

So far, only 2 pages are using the new pagination bar :
authorities/authorities-home.pl (for search results) and
admin/stopwords.pl. You can find required code in the corresponding
files. You'll see it's very simple, you just need to give the URL for
each link, the name of the offset/page/startfrom URL parameter, the
number of pages and the current page number.


Pierrick LE GALL
INEO media system

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