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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc overduenotices.pl,,

From: Henri-Damien LAURENT
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc overduenotices.pl,,
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 07:12:14 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv23396/misc

Modified Files:
      Tag: rel_2_2
Log Message:
Adding Date to messages.
Adding lists of books borrowed with barcode.

One Bug To Fix : use of uninitialized value.

Index: overduenotices.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/overduenotices.pl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.1.4.2 -r1.1.4.3
*** overduenotices.pl   28 Apr 2005 10:07:33 -0000
--- overduenotices.pl   1 Jun 2005 14:12:10 -0000
*** 74,78 ****
  # The following fields are available :
  # <date> <itemcount> <firstname> <lastname> <address1> <address2> <address3> 
<city> <postcode>
! my $mailtext = "\n\n\nDear library borrower\n\n\n       <date>\n\n       
According to our records, you have <itemcount> items that are at\n       least 
a week overdue for return to the library or renewal.\n       If you have 
registered a password with the library, you may use it\n       and your library 
card to login at http://XXX.org\n       to check the status of your account, or 
you may call any of our branch\n       Please be advised that all library 
services will be blocked\n       if items are allowed to go more than 30 days 
overdue.\n\n       Thank you for using your public libraries.\n\n\n             
                                <firstname> <lastname>\n                        
<address2>\n                                             <city>  
--- 74,79 ----
  # The following fields are available :
  # <date> <itemcount> <firstname> <lastname> <address1> <address2> <address3> 
<city> <postcode>
! my $mailtext = "\n\n\nDear library borrower\n\n\n       <date>\n\n       
According to our records, you have <itemcount> items, the description of which 
follows, that are at\n       least a week overdue for return to the library or 
renewal:\n             title           author          barcode\n<titles>\n
!        If you have registered a password with the library, you may use it\n   
    and your library card to login at http://XXX.org\n       to check the 
status of your account, or you may call any of our branch\n       Please be 
advised that all library services will be blocked\n       if items are allowed 
to go more than 30 days overdue.\n\n       Thank you for using your public 
libraries.\n\n\n                                             <firstname> 
<lastname>\n                                             <address1>\n           
           <city>  <postcode>\n\n\n\n\n\n";
*** 85,89 ****
  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
! my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT count(*), 
 FROM issues,borrowers,categories WHERE returndate IS NULL AND 
TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(date_due) BETWEEN 0 and 500 AND 
issues.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber and 
borrowers.categorycode=categories.categorycode and 
categories.overduenoticerequired=1 group by issues.borrowernumber");
--- 86,92 ----
  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
! my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT COUNT(*), 
 FROM issues,borrowers,categories WHERE returndate IS NULL AND 
TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(date_due) BETWEEN 0 and 500 AND 
issues.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber and 
borrowers.categorycode=categories.categorycode and 
categories.overduenoticerequired=1 group by issues.borrowernumber");
! my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT biblio.title,biblio.author,items.barcode 
FROM issues,items,biblio WHERE items.itemnumber=issues.itemnumber and 
biblio.biblionumber=items.biblionumber AND issues.borrowernumber=? AND 
returndate IS NULL AND TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(date_due) BETWEEN 0 and 500");
*** 92,95 ****
--- 95,99 ----
  my $count = 0;   # to keep track of how many notices are printed
  my $e_count = 0;   # and e-mailed
+ my $date=localtime;
*** 103,107 ****
                $notice =~ s/\<city\>/$city/g;
                $notice =~ s/\<postcode\>/$postcode/g;
        # if not using e-mail notices, comment out the following lines
                if ($email) {   # or you might check for 
--- 107,120 ----
                $notice =~ s/\<city\>/$city/g;
                $notice =~ s/\<postcode\>/$postcode/g;
!               $notice =~ s/\<date\>/$date/g;
!               $sth2->execute($borrnum);
!               my $titles;
!               my ($title, $author, $barcode);
!               while (($title, $author, $barcode) = $sth2->fetchrow){
!                       $titles .= "            $title  $author $barcode\n";
!               }
!               $notice =~ s/\<titles\>/$titles/g;
!               $sth2->finish;
        # if not using e-mail notices, comment out the following lines
                if ($email) {   # or you might check for 

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