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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha-doc/en/sysadmin/migration CDS_ISIS_to_Koha.html,NON

From: skemotah
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha-doc/en/sysadmin/migration CDS_ISIS_to_Koha.html,NONE,1.1 CDS_ISIS_to_Koha.xml,NONE,1.1
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 04:08:17 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha-doc/en/sysadmin/migration
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv4271

Added Files:
        CDS_ISIS_to_Koha.html CDS_ISIS_to_Koha.xml 
Log Message:
Load CDS/ISIS to Koha guide

--- NEW FILE ---
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
   <title>Migrating a CDS/ISIS based system to Koha</title><link 
rel="stylesheet" href="html.css" type="text/css"><meta name="generator" 
content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.65.1"></head><body bgcolor="white" 
text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div 
class="article" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a 
name="d0e1"></a>Migrating a CDS/ISIS based system to Koha</h2></div><div><div 
class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Baiju</span> <span 
class="surname">M</span></h3><tt class="email">&lt;<a href="mailto:baijum81 AT 
hailmail.net">baijum81 AT hailmail.net</a>&gt;</tt></div></div><div><p 
class="pubdate">2004-11-16</p></div><div><div class="revhistory"><table 
border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" 
valign="top" colspan="3"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr><tr><td 
align="left">Revision 2.0.0p1</td><td align="left">2004-11-15</td><td 
align="left">bm</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspa
 n="3"><p>Small additions by BM.</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left">Revision 
2.0.0</td><td align="left">2004-04-01</td><td align="left">bm</td></tr><tr><td 
align="left" colspan="3"><p>Initial XML markup (by Stephen Hedges) of a wiki 
page posted at <a 
 on 2004-04-01, with links to program listings 
class="toc"><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="#d0e41">1. Copyright and 
License</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="#d0e69">2. 
Disclaimer</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="#d0e76">3. 
Introduction</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="#d0e87">4. 
Migrating Book Data</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
href="#d0e130">5. Migrating Member Data</a></span></dt></dl></div><font
  color="red">&lt;authorblurb&gt;<p>By Baiju 
M</p>&lt;/authorblurb&gt;</font><div class="section" lang="en"><div 
class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a 
name="d0e41"></a>1.&nbsp;Copyright and 
License</h2></div></div><div></div></div><p>Copyright 2004 Baiju M <tt 
class="email">&lt;<a href="mailto:baijum81 AT hailmail.net">baijum81 AT 
hailmail.net</a>&gt;</tt></p><p>This document is related to Koha and is 
licensed to you under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later (<a 
documents may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part, in any medium 
physical or electronic, as long as this copyright notice is retained on all 
copies.</p><p>You may create a derivative work and distribute it provided that 
you:</p><div class="orderedlist"><ol type="1"><li><p>License the derivative 
work with this same license, or the Linux Docume
 ntation Project License (<a href="???" 
target="_top">http://www.tldp.org/COPYRIGHT.html</a>). Include a copyright 
notice and at least a pointer to the license used.</p></li><li><p>Give due 
credit to previous authors and major 
contributors.</p></li></ol></div><p>Commercial redistribution is allowed and 
encouraged; however, the author would like to be notified of any such 
distributions.</p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div 
class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a 
liability for the contents of this document can be accepted. Use the concepts, 
examples and information at your own risk. There may be errors and inaccuracies 
that could be damaging to your system. Although this is highly unlikely, 
proceed with caution; the author(s) do not take any responsibility.</p><p>All 
copyrights are held by their respective owners, unless specifically noted 
otherwise. Use of a term in 
 this document should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any 
trademark or service mark. Naming of particular products or brands should not 
be seen as endorsements.</p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div 
class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a 
name="d0e76"></a>3.&nbsp;Introduction</h2></div></div><div></div></div><p>I am 
doing this migration from CDS/ISIS (version : 1.5) system to Koha for St. 
Joseph's College, Devagiri, Calicut. <a href="http://devagiricollege.org/"; 
target="_top">http://devagiricollege.org/</a></p><p>In the current system it is 
possible to do circulation and other basic functionalities of the 
library.</p><p>The work is in progress, so give any pointers if you 
have.</p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div 
class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a 
name="d0e87"></a>4.&nbsp;Migrating Book 
Data</h2></div></div><div></div></div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul 
type="disc"><li><p>First I expor
 ted Books data into XML using CDS/ISIS export tool (available in the ISIS 
Utils menu).</p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 
0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>Users of previous CDS/ISIS versions (i.e, 
1.3 or before), export documents data from CDS/ISIS and save it as Common 
Communication Format (CCF), which is a standard based on ISO 2709. Import this 
ISO data into CDS/ISIS version 1.4 or later. This step is necessary to export 
the data as XML, the old versions of ISIS do not have support for exporting 
document data as XML directly. <i><span class="remark">FIXME: ISIS 1.3.x 
support exporting XML?</span></i></p></div></li><li><p>Then I wrote a python 
script (shown below) to convert XML to tab delimited text format.</p><div 
class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 
class="title">Note</h3><p>This step is not necessary, but you can do some 
corrections in data quickly.</p></div><div class="tip" style="margin-left: 
0.5in; margin-
 right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Tip</h3><p>Use Emacs macro or Vim recording 
for quick parsing.</p></div><pre class="programlisting">## ciddtf.py : Convert 
ISIS Document Database to Text File

##Before Parsing :
##Change  RECORDX\xc3\x91_5\xc3\xaf\x03\x12  to RECORD
##Change &amp; to and
##fix problems of &lt;Tag_97&gt; manualy.

import libxml2

record = []

def Record(i, node):
    sub_node = node.children
    while sub_node is not None:
        if sub_node.type == "element":
            record[i][sub_node.name] = sub_node.get_content()
            sub_node = sub_node.next
            sub_node = sub_node.next

# Memory debug specific
isis_data = libxml2.parseFile ('../xmls/docs.xml')
root = isis_data.getRootElement()
node = root.children
i = 0
while node is not None:
    if node.type != "element":
        node = node.next
    if node is None:
    if node.name == "RECORD":
        ##print node.get_content()
        Record(i, node)
        i = i + 1
        node = node.next
        print "unhandled node in &lt;isis_xml&gt;: " + node.name


# Memory debug specific
if libxml2.debugMemory(1) == 0:
    print "OK"
    print "Memory leak %d bytes" % (libxml2.debugMemory(1))


record_file = open('../outs/docs.txt', 'w')
tag = ['Tag_4', 'Tag_7', 'Tag_11', 'Tag_12', 'Tag_13', 'Tag_18', 'Tag_19', 
'Tag_20', 'Tag_21', 'Tag_24', 'Tag_38', 'Tag_10', 'Tag_114', 'Tag_115', 
'Tag_110', 'Tag_5', 'Tag_122', 'Tag_97', 'Tag_151', 'Tag_153', 'Tag_123']

for j in record:
    if j.has_key('Tag_691'):
##Check docs without 114 tag
##         if j.has_key('Tag_114'):
##             pass
##         else:
##             print j['Tag_691']
    for h in tag:
        if j.has_key(h):
    record_file.write('\n')</pre><p>Here is a sample XML:</p><div 
&lt;/DATABASE_SJCLDB&gt;&nbsp;</p></div></li><li><p>Now parse the tab separated 
file using a perl script (shown below) and convert it as MARC 21 or 
UNIMARC.</p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 
0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>Before doing this last step, please study 
Stephen Hedges' migration guide here: <a 
class="programlisting">package cmftf;
## Create MARC From Text File
## Copyright 2004 Baiju M &lt;address@hidden&gt;
## This program is licensed under GNU GPL.

use strict;
use MARC::Record;

my $input_file = "../outs/docs.txt";
my $output_file = "../outs/docs.out";
my $repeated_items = " ";
open(INFILE, $input_file) or die "Can't open $input_file: $!";
open(OUTFILE, "&gt;&gt;", $output_file) or die "Can't open $output_file: $!";
my $c = 0;
while (&lt;INFILE&gt;) {
    my $biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c, my $title_ftf_4_245_a, my 
$edition_ftf_7_250_a, my $publisher_ftf_11_260_b, my 
$publishcountry_ftf_12_260_a, my $publishyear_ftf_13_260_c, my 
$author1ee_ftf_18_100_a, my $author1se_ftf_19_100_a, my 
$author2ee_ftf_20_700_a, my $author2se_ftf_21_700_a, my 
$adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a, my $role_ftf_38_590_a, my $phydescr_ftf_10_300_a, my 
$classno_ftf_114_852_k, my $classno_ftf_115_852_h, my $keyword_ftf_5_520_a, my 
$voldetails_ftf_110_440_v, my $dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v, my 
$notes_ftf_97_500_a, my $pubprice_151_952_r, my $currency_153_590_b, my 
$reccreated_123_508_a, my $remainder;
    ($biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c, $title_ftf_4_245_a, $edition_ftf_7_250_a, 
$publisher_ftf_11_260_b, $publishcountry_ftf_12_260_a, 
$publishyear_ftf_13_260_c, $author1ee_ftf_18_100_a, $author1se_ftf_19_100_a, 
$author2ee_ftf_20_700_a, $author2se_ftf_21_700_a, $adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a, 
$role_ftf_38_590_a, $phydescr_ftf_10_300_a, $classno_ftf_114_852_k, 
$classno_ftf_115_852_h, $keyword_ftf_5_520_a, $voldetails_ftf_110_440_v, 
$dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v, $notes_ftf_97_500_a, $pubprice_151_952_r, 
$currency_153_590_b, $reccreated_123_508_a, $remainder) = split(/\t/, $_, 23);
    if (($biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c !~ /[^\d]/)  and ($title_ftf_4_245_a !~ 
/_B_L_A_N_K_/) and ($repeated_items !~ /$biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c/) ) {
        $repeated_items .= " $biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c";
        my @biblionumber_array;
        open(INF, $input_file) or die "Can't open $input_file: $!";
        my $i = 1;
        while (&lt;INF&gt;) {
            if ($i &gt;= $c) {
            my $biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c2, my $title_ftf_4_245_a2, my 
$edition_ftf_7_250_a2, my $publisher_ftf_11_260_b2, my 
$publishcountry_ftf_12_260_a2, my $publishyear_ftf_13_260_c2, my 
$author1ee_ftf_18_100_a2, my $author1se_ftf_19_100_a2, my 
$author2ee_ftf_20_700_a2, my $author2se_ftf_21_700_a2, my 
$adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a2, my $role_ftf_38_590_a2, my $phydescr_ftf_10_300_a2, 
my $classno_ftf_114_852_k2, my $classno_ftf_115_852_h2, my 
$keyword_ftf_5_520_a2, my $voldetails_ftf_110_440_v2, my 
$dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v2, my $notes_ftf_97_500_a2, my $pubprice_151_952_r2, 
my $currency_153_590_b2, my $reccreated_123_508_a2, my $remainder2;
            ($biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c2, $title_ftf_4_245_a2, 
$edition_ftf_7_250_a2, $publisher_ftf_11_260_b2, $publishcountry_ftf_12_260_a2, 
$publishyear_ftf_13_260_c2, $author1ee_ftf_18_100_a2, $author1se_ftf_19_100_a2, 
$author2ee_ftf_20_700_a2, $author2se_ftf_21_700_a2, $adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a2, 
$role_ftf_38_590_a2, $phydescr_ftf_10_300_a2, $classno_ftf_114_852_k2, 
$classno_ftf_115_852_h2, $keyword_ftf_5_520_a2, $voldetails_ftf_110_440_v2, 
$dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v2, $notes_ftf_97_500_a2, $pubprice_151_952_r2, 
$currency_153_590_b2, $reccreated_123_508_a2, $remainder2) = split(/\t/, $_, 
            if (($biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c2 !~ /[^\d]/) and 
($title_ftf_4_245_a2 !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) and ($title_ftf_4_245_a2 eq 
$title_ftf_4_245_a) and ($author1ee_ftf_18_100_a2 eq $author1ee_ftf_18_100_a)){
                $repeated_items .= " $biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c2";
                push @biblionumber_array, $biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c2;
        print "\n";
        my $record = MARC::Record-&gt;new();

        if ($author1ee_ftf_18_100_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $author1ee_ftf_18_100_a = "";
        if ($author1se_ftf_19_100_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $author1se_ftf_19_100_a = "";

        my $author1_ftf = join(" ", $author1se_ftf_19_100_a, 

        if ($author1_ftf ne "") { 
            my $author1 = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                           a =&gt; $author1_ftf

        if ($title_ftf_4_245_a !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $title = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                         a =&gt; $title_ftf_4_245_a

        if ($edition_ftf_7_250_a !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $edition = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                           a =&gt; $edition_ftf_7_250_a

        if ($publishcountry_ftf_12_260_a !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $publishcountry = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                                  a =&gt; 
        if ($publisher_ftf_11_260_b =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $publisher_ftf_11_260_b = "";
        if ($publishyear_ftf_13_260_c =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            $publishyear_ftf_13_260_c = "";
        my $publisher = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                         b =&gt; $publisher_ftf_11_260_b,
                                         c =&gt; $publishyear_ftf_13_260_c

        if ($phydescr_ftf_10_300_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $phydescr_ftf_10_300_a = "";
        my $phydescr = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                        a =&gt; $phydescr_ftf_10_300_a,
                                        f =&gt; 'BOOK'

        if ($voldetails_ftf_110_440_v !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $voldetails = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                              v =&gt; $voldetails_ftf_110_440_v

        if ($notes_ftf_97_500_a !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $notes = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                         a =&gt; $notes_ftf_97_500_a

        if ($reccreated_123_508_a !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $reccreated = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                              a =&gt; $reccreated_123_508_a

        if ($keyword_ftf_5_520_a !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $keyword = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                           a =&gt; $keyword_ftf_5_520_a
        if ($role_ftf_38_590_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            $role_ftf_38_590_a = '';
        if ($currency_153_590_b =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $currency_153_590_b = '';
        my $role = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                    a =&gt; $role_ftf_38_590_a,
                                    b =&gt; $currency_153_590_b

        if ($author2ee_ftf_20_700_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $author2ee_ftf_20_700_a = "";
        if ($author2se_ftf_21_700_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $author2se_ftf_21_700_a = "";
        if ($adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a = "";

        my $adiauthors_ftf = join(" ", $author2se_ftf_21_700_a, 
$author2ee_ftf_20_700_a, $adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a);

        if ($adiauthors_ftf ne "") { 
            my $adiauthors = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                              a =&gt; $adiauthors_ftf

        if ($classno_ftf_114_852_k =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            if ($classno_ftf_115_852_h =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
                my $classno = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                               k =&gt; '999.9999'
            else {
                if ($classno_ftf_115_852_h =~ /^\d\d\d/) {
                    my $classno = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                                   k =&gt; 
                else {
                    my $classno = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                                   k =&gt; '999.9998',
                                                   h =&gt; 
        else {
            if ($classno_ftf_114_852_k =~ /^\d\d\d/) {
                if ($classno_ftf_115_852_h =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
                    $classno_ftf_115_852_h = "";
                my $classno = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                               k =&gt; $classno_ftf_114_852_k,
                                               h =&gt; $classno_ftf_115_852_h
            else {
                if ($classno_ftf_115_852_h =~ /^\d\d\d/) {
                    my $classno = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                                   k =&gt; 
                                                   h =&gt; 
                else {
                    if ($classno_ftf_115_852_h =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
                        $classno_ftf_115_852_h = "";
                    my $classno = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                                   k =&gt; '999.9997',
                                                   h =&gt; 

        if ($pubprice_151_952_r =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            $pubprice_151_952_r = '';
        if ($dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v = '';
        my @biblionumber_array_tmp = sort @biblionumber_array;
        foreach (@biblionumber_array_tmp) {
            my $biblionumber = $_;
            my $barcode = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                           b =&gt; "MAIN",
                                           d =&gt; "MAIN",
                                           p =&gt; $biblionumber,
                                           r =&gt; $pubprice_151_952_r,
                                           u =&gt; $biblionumber,
                                           v =&gt; $dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v
        #print "\n";
        print OUTFILE $record-&gt;as_usmarc();
    else {
        #print $_;
close(OUTFILE);</pre></li><li><p>And finally use koha's <tt 
class="filename">bulkmarcimport.pl</tt> script to convert this to 
SQL.</p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div 
class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a 
name="d0e130"></a>5.&nbsp;Migrating Member 
Data</h2></div></div><div></div></div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul 
type="disc"><li><p>To convert member details to Koha, first I exported member 
database into XML, then wrote a python script to convert it to tab separated 
text file:</p><pre class="programlisting">##cimdtf.py : Convert ISIS Member 
Database to Text File

##Before Parsing :
##Change &amp; to and
##fix problems of &lt;Tag_*&gt; manualy.

##tag = ['Tag_201', 'Tag_202', 'Tag_203', 'Tag_216', 'Tag_217']
##Tag_201 : Name -&gt; firstname
##Tag_202 : Membership number -&gt; cardnumber
##Tag_203 : Division -&gt; streetaddress
##Tag_216 : Status (UG,PG, etc.) -&gt; categorycode
##Tag_217 : Joining date -&gt; dateenrolled

##   CREATE TABLE borrowers (
##01   borrowernumber int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
##02   cardnumber varchar(16) NOT NULL default '', ##Tag_202
##03   surname text NOT NULL, ##Tag_201
##04   firstname text NOT NULL, ##' '
##05   title text, ##' '
##06   othernames text, ##''
##07   initials text NOT NULL, ##''
##08   streetaddress text NOT NULL, ##Tag_203
##09   suburb text, ##NULL
##10   city text NOT NULL, ##Tag_203 (Use this?)
##11   phone text NOT NULL, ##''
##12   emailaddress text, ##''
##13   faxnumber text, ##''
##14   textmessaging text, ##''
##15   altstreetaddress text, ##NULL
##16   altsuburb text, ##NULL
##17   altcity text, ##NULL
##18   altphone text, ##''
##19   dateofbirth date default NULL, ##'0000-00-00'
##20   branchcode varchar(4) NOT NULL default '', ##'MAIN'
##21   categorycode char(2) default NULL, ##Tag_216
##22   dateenrolled date default NULL, ##Tag_217
##23   gonenoaddress tinyint(1) default NULL, ##NULL
##24   lost tinyint(1) default NULL, ##NULL
##25   debarred tinyint(1) default NULL, ##NULL
##26   studentnumber text, ##NULL
##27   school text, #NULL
##28   contactname text, ##' '
##29   borrowernotes text, ##''
##30   guarantor int(11) default NULL, ##NULL
##31   area char(2) default NULL, ##'' or NULL
##32   ethnicity varchar(50) default NULL, ##'' or NULL
##33   ethnotes varchar(255) default NULL, ##'' or NULL
##34   sex char(1) default NULL, ##NULL
##35   expiry date default NULL, ##'0000-00-00'
##36   altnotes varchar(255) default NULL, ##''
##37   altrelationship varchar(100) default NULL, ##'workplace'
##38   streetcity text, ##''
##39   phoneday varchar(50) default NULL, ##''
##40   preferredcont char(1) default NULL, ##NULL
##41   physstreet varchar(100) default NULL, ##''
##42   password varchar(30) default NULL, ##NULL
##43   flags int(11) default NULL, ##NULL
##44   userid varchar(30) default NULL, ##NULL
##45   homezipcode varchar(25) default NULL, ##''
##46   zipcode varchar(25) default NULL, ##''
##47   UNIQUE KEY cardnumber (cardnumber),
##48   KEY borrowernumber (borrowernumber)
## ) ;

import libxml2

record = []

def Record(i, node):
    sub_node = node.children
    while sub_node is not None:
        if sub_node.type == "element":
            record[i][sub_node.name] = sub_node.get_content()
            sub_node = sub_node.next
            sub_node = sub_node.next

## Memory debug specific

isis_data = libxml2.parseFile ('../xmls/members.xml')
root = isis_data.getRootElement()
node = root.children
i = 0
while node is not None:
    if node.type != "element":
        node = node.next
    if node is None:
    if node.name == "RECORD":
        ##print node.get_content()
        Record(i, node)
        i = i + 1
        node = node.next
        print "unhandled node in &lt;isis_xml&gt;: " + node.name


# Memory debug specific
if libxml2.debugMemory(1) == 0:
    print "OK"
    print "Memory leak %d bytes" % (libxml2.debugMemory(1))


output_file = open('../outs/members.txt', 'w')
tag = ['Tag_202', 'Tag_203', 'Tag_216', 'Tag_217']

for j in record:
    if j.has_key('Tag_202') and j.has_key('Tag_201') and j.has_key('Tag_216'):

        output_file.write('\t')                    ##01
        output_file.write(j['Tag_202']+'\t')       ##02
        output_file.write(j['Tag_201']+'\t')       ##03
        output_file.write(' \t')                   ##04
        output_file.write(' \t')                   ##05
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##06
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##07
        if j.has_key('Tag_203'):                   ##08
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##09
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##10
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##11
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##12
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##13
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##14
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##15
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##16
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##17
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##18
        output_file.write('0000-00-00\t')          ##19
        output_file.write('MAIN\t')                ##20
        if j.has_key('Tag_216'):                   ##21
        if j.has_key('Tag_217'):                   ##22
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##23
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##24
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##25
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##26
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##27
        output_file.write(' \t')                   ##28
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##29
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##30
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##31
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##32
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##33
        output_file.write('M\t')                   ##34
        output_file.write('0000-00-00\t')          ##35
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##36
        output_file.write('workplace\t')           ##37
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##38
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##39
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##40
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##41
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##42
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##43
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##44
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##45
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##46
        output_file.write('\n')</pre></li><li><p>Later to load it into 
MySQL:</p><p><b class="userinput"><tt>LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "members.txt" INTO 
TABLE borrowers;</tt></b></p></li></ul></div></div></div></body></html>
--- NEW FILE ---
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
  <title>Migrating a CDS/ISIS based system to Koha</title>




      <email>baijum81 AT hailmail.net</email>




          <para>Small additions by BM.</para>




          <para>Initial XML markup (by Stephen Hedges) of a wiki page posted
          at <ulink
          on 2004-04-01, with links to program listings expanded.</para>

    <para>By Baiju M</para>

    <title id="copyright">Copyright and License</title>

    <para>Copyright 2004 Baiju M <email>baijum81 AT

    <para>This document is related to Koha and is licensed to you under the
    GNU General Public License version 2 or later (<ulink

    <para>Koha-related documents may be reproduced and distributed in whole or
    in part, in any medium physical or electronic, as long as this copyright
    notice is retained on all copies.</para>

    <para>You may create a derivative work and distribute it provided that

        <para>License the derivative work with this same license, or the Linux
        Documentation Project License (<ulink
        url="???">http://www.tldp.org/COPYRIGHT.html</ulink>). Include a
        copyright notice and at least a pointer to the license used.</para>

        <para>Give due credit to previous authors and major

    <para>Commercial redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however, the
    author would like to be notified of any such distributions.</para>

    <title id="disclaimer">Disclaimer</title>

    <para>No liability for the contents of this document can be accepted. Use
    the concepts, examples and information at your own risk. There may be
    errors and inaccuracies that could be damaging to your system. Although
    this is highly unlikely, proceed with caution; the author(s) do not take
    any responsibility.</para>

    <para>All copyrights are held by their respective owners, unless
    specifically noted otherwise. Use of a term in this document should not be
    regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
    Naming of particular products or brands should not be seen as


    <para>I am doing this migration from CDS/ISIS (version : 1.5) system to
    Koha for St. Joseph's College, Devagiri, Calicut. <ulink

    <para>In the current system it is possible to do circulation and other
    basic functionalities of the library.</para>

    <para>The work is in progress, so give any pointers if you have.</para>

    <title>Migrating Book Data</title>

        <para>First I exported Books data into XML using CDS/ISIS export tool
        (available in the ISIS Utils menu).</para>

          <para>Users of previous CDS/ISIS versions (i.e, 1.3 or before),
          export documents data from CDS/ISIS and save it as Common
          Communication Format (CCF), which is a standard based on ISO 2709.
          Import this ISO data into CDS/ISIS version 1.4 or later. This step
          is necessary to export the data as XML, the old versions of ISIS do
          not have support for exporting document data as XML directly.
          <remark>FIXME: ISIS 1.3.x support exporting XML?</remark></para>

        <para>Then I wrote a python script (shown below) to convert XML to tab
        delimited text format.<note>
            <para>This step is not necessary, but you can do some corrections
            in data quickly.</para>
            <para>Use Emacs macro or Vim recording for quick parsing.</para>
          </tip><programlisting>## ciddtf.py : Convert ISIS Document Database 
to Text File

##Before Parsing :
##Change  RECORDX\xc3\x91_5\xc3\xaf\x03\x12  to RECORD
##Change &amp; to and
##fix problems of &lt;Tag_97&gt; manualy.

import libxml2

record = []

def Record(i, node):
    sub_node = node.children
    while sub_node is not None:
        if sub_node.type == "element":
            record[i][sub_node.name] = sub_node.get_content()
            sub_node = sub_node.next
            sub_node = sub_node.next

# Memory debug specific
isis_data = libxml2.parseFile ('../xmls/docs.xml')
root = isis_data.getRootElement()
node = root.children
i = 0
while node is not None:
    if node.type != "element":
        node = node.next
    if node is None:
    if node.name == "RECORD":
        ##print node.get_content()
        Record(i, node)
        i = i + 1
        node = node.next
        print "unhandled node in &lt;isis_xml&gt;: " + node.name


# Memory debug specific
if libxml2.debugMemory(1) == 0:
    print "OK"
    print "Memory leak %d bytes" % (libxml2.debugMemory(1))


record_file = open('../outs/docs.txt', 'w')
tag = ['Tag_4', 'Tag_7', 'Tag_11', 'Tag_12', 'Tag_13', 'Tag_18', 'Tag_19', 
'Tag_20', 'Tag_21', 'Tag_24', 'Tag_38', 'Tag_10', 'Tag_114', 'Tag_115', 
'Tag_110', 'Tag_5', 'Tag_122', 'Tag_97', 'Tag_151', 'Tag_153', 'Tag_123']

for j in record:
    if j.has_key('Tag_691'):
##Check docs without 114 tag
##         if j.has_key('Tag_114'):
##             pass
##         else:
##             print j['Tag_691']
    for h in tag:
        if j.has_key(h):

        <para>Here is a sample XML:<literallayout>&lt;?xml version="1.0" 
&lt;Tag_4&gt;Chiriyute pithamahan: V K N Krutikalekkurichulla 
&lt;Tag_11&gt;DC Books&lt;/Tag_11&gt;
&lt;Tag_19&gt;P C&lt;/Tag_19&gt;
&lt;Tag_114&gt;894.37  Roy&lt;/Tag_114&gt;
&lt;Tag_4&gt;Edanadan pattu&lt;/Tag_4&gt;
&lt;Tag_11&gt;Current Books&lt;/Tag_11&gt;
&lt;Tag_19&gt;K R&lt;/Tag_19&gt;
&lt;Tag_114&gt;398.87  Saj&lt;/Tag_114&gt;
&lt;Tag_12&gt;New York&lt;/Tag_12&gt;
&lt;Tag_114&gt;O7,2 One&lt;/Tag_114&gt;
&lt;Tag_4&gt;Arangukaanatha Nadan&lt;/Tag_4&gt;
&lt;Tag_114&gt;894.8  Thi/Ara&lt;/Tag_114&gt;
&lt;Tag_4&gt;Sartre: A collection of critical essays&lt;/Tag_4&gt;
&lt;Tag_11&gt;Prentice Hall&lt;/Tag_11&gt;
&lt;Tag_114&gt;O-,4 M79&lt;/Tag_114&gt;
&lt;Tag_110&gt;Twentieth century views&lt;/Tag_110&gt;
&lt;Tag_4&gt;Internet for beginners&lt;/Tag_4&gt;
&lt;Tag_11&gt;Icon Books&lt;/Tag_11&gt;
&lt;Tag_4&gt;Text book of Biochemistry with clinical correlations&lt;/Tag_4&gt;
&lt;Tag_11&gt;Wiley-Liss/John Wiley and Sons&lt;/Tag_11&gt;
&lt;Tag_12&gt;New York&lt;/Tag_12&gt;
&lt;Tag_19&gt;Thomas M&lt;/Tag_19&gt;
&lt;Tag_114&gt;612.015 Dev/KD&lt;/Tag_114&gt;
&lt;/DATABASE_SJCLDB&gt; </literallayout></para>

        <para>Now parse the tab separated file using a perl script (shown
        below) and convert it as MARC 21 or UNIMARC.<note>
            <para>Before doing this last step, please study Stephen Hedges'
            migration guide here: <ulink
          </note><programlisting>package cmftf;
## Create MARC From Text File
## Copyright 2004 Baiju M &lt;address@hidden&gt;
## This program is licensed under GNU GPL.

use strict;
use MARC::Record;

my $input_file = "../outs/docs.txt";
my $output_file = "../outs/docs.out";
my $repeated_items = " ";
open(INFILE, $input_file) or die "Can't open $input_file: $!";
open(OUTFILE, "&gt;&gt;", $output_file) or die "Can't open $output_file: $!";
my $c = 0;
while (&lt;INFILE&gt;) {
    my $biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c, my $title_ftf_4_245_a, my 
$edition_ftf_7_250_a, my $publisher_ftf_11_260_b, my 
$publishcountry_ftf_12_260_a, my $publishyear_ftf_13_260_c, my 
$author1ee_ftf_18_100_a, my $author1se_ftf_19_100_a, my 
$author2ee_ftf_20_700_a, my $author2se_ftf_21_700_a, my 
$adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a, my $role_ftf_38_590_a, my $phydescr_ftf_10_300_a, my 
$classno_ftf_114_852_k, my $classno_ftf_115_852_h, my $keyword_ftf_5_520_a, my 
$voldetails_ftf_110_440_v, my $dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v, my 
$notes_ftf_97_500_a, my $pubprice_151_952_r, my $currency_153_590_b, my 
$reccreated_123_508_a, my $remainder;
    ($biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c, $title_ftf_4_245_a, $edition_ftf_7_250_a, 
$publisher_ftf_11_260_b, $publishcountry_ftf_12_260_a, 
$publishyear_ftf_13_260_c, $author1ee_ftf_18_100_a, $author1se_ftf_19_100_a, 
$author2ee_ftf_20_700_a, $author2se_ftf_21_700_a, $adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a, 
$role_ftf_38_590_a, $phydescr_ftf_10_300_a, $classno_ftf_114_852_k, 
$classno_ftf_115_852_h, $keyword_ftf_5_520_a, $voldetails_ftf_110_440_v, 
$dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v, $notes_ftf_97_500_a, $pubprice_151_952_r, 
$currency_153_590_b, $reccreated_123_508_a, $remainder) = split(/\t/, $_, 23);
    if (($biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c !~ /[^\d]/)  and ($title_ftf_4_245_a !~ 
/_B_L_A_N_K_/) and ($repeated_items !~ /$biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c/) ) {
        $repeated_items .= " $biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c";
        my @biblionumber_array;
        open(INF, $input_file) or die "Can't open $input_file: $!";
        my $i = 1;
        while (&lt;INF&gt;) {
            if ($i &gt;= $c) {
            my $biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c2, my $title_ftf_4_245_a2, my 
$edition_ftf_7_250_a2, my $publisher_ftf_11_260_b2, my 
$publishcountry_ftf_12_260_a2, my $publishyear_ftf_13_260_c2, my 
$author1ee_ftf_18_100_a2, my $author1se_ftf_19_100_a2, my 
$author2ee_ftf_20_700_a2, my $author2se_ftf_21_700_a2, my 
$adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a2, my $role_ftf_38_590_a2, my $phydescr_ftf_10_300_a2, 
my $classno_ftf_114_852_k2, my $classno_ftf_115_852_h2, my 
$keyword_ftf_5_520_a2, my $voldetails_ftf_110_440_v2, my 
$dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v2, my $notes_ftf_97_500_a2, my $pubprice_151_952_r2, 
my $currency_153_590_b2, my $reccreated_123_508_a2, my $remainder2;
            ($biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c2, $title_ftf_4_245_a2, 
$edition_ftf_7_250_a2, $publisher_ftf_11_260_b2, $publishcountry_ftf_12_260_a2, 
$publishyear_ftf_13_260_c2, $author1ee_ftf_18_100_a2, $author1se_ftf_19_100_a2, 
$author2ee_ftf_20_700_a2, $author2se_ftf_21_700_a2, $adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a2, 
$role_ftf_38_590_a2, $phydescr_ftf_10_300_a2, $classno_ftf_114_852_k2, 
$classno_ftf_115_852_h2, $keyword_ftf_5_520_a2, $voldetails_ftf_110_440_v2, 
$dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v2, $notes_ftf_97_500_a2, $pubprice_151_952_r2, 
$currency_153_590_b2, $reccreated_123_508_a2, $remainder2) = split(/\t/, $_, 
            if (($biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c2 !~ /[^\d]/) and 
($title_ftf_4_245_a2 !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) and ($title_ftf_4_245_a2 eq 
$title_ftf_4_245_a) and ($author1ee_ftf_18_100_a2 eq $author1ee_ftf_18_100_a)){
                $repeated_items .= " $biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c2";
                push @biblionumber_array, $biblionumber_ftf_691_090_c2;
        print "\n";
        my $record = MARC::Record-&gt;new();

        if ($author1ee_ftf_18_100_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $author1ee_ftf_18_100_a = "";
        if ($author1se_ftf_19_100_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $author1se_ftf_19_100_a = "";

        my $author1_ftf = join(" ", $author1se_ftf_19_100_a, 

        if ($author1_ftf ne "") { 
            my $author1 = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                           a =&gt; $author1_ftf

        if ($title_ftf_4_245_a !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $title = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                         a =&gt; $title_ftf_4_245_a

        if ($edition_ftf_7_250_a !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $edition = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                           a =&gt; $edition_ftf_7_250_a

        if ($publishcountry_ftf_12_260_a !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $publishcountry = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                                  a =&gt; 
        if ($publisher_ftf_11_260_b =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $publisher_ftf_11_260_b = "";
        if ($publishyear_ftf_13_260_c =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            $publishyear_ftf_13_260_c = "";
        my $publisher = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                         b =&gt; $publisher_ftf_11_260_b,
                                         c =&gt; $publishyear_ftf_13_260_c

        if ($phydescr_ftf_10_300_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $phydescr_ftf_10_300_a = "";
        my $phydescr = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                        a =&gt; $phydescr_ftf_10_300_a,
                                        f =&gt; 'BOOK'

        if ($voldetails_ftf_110_440_v !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $voldetails = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                              v =&gt; $voldetails_ftf_110_440_v

        if ($notes_ftf_97_500_a !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $notes = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                         a =&gt; $notes_ftf_97_500_a

        if ($reccreated_123_508_a !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $reccreated = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                              a =&gt; $reccreated_123_508_a

        if ($keyword_ftf_5_520_a !~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            my $keyword = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                           a =&gt; $keyword_ftf_5_520_a
        if ($role_ftf_38_590_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            $role_ftf_38_590_a = '';
        if ($currency_153_590_b =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $currency_153_590_b = '';
        my $role = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                    a =&gt; $role_ftf_38_590_a,
                                    b =&gt; $currency_153_590_b

        if ($author2ee_ftf_20_700_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $author2ee_ftf_20_700_a = "";
        if ($author2se_ftf_21_700_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $author2se_ftf_21_700_a = "";
        if ($adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a = "";

        my $adiauthors_ftf = join(" ", $author2se_ftf_21_700_a, 
$author2ee_ftf_20_700_a, $adiauthors_ftf_24_700_a);

        if ($adiauthors_ftf ne "") { 
            my $adiauthors = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                              a =&gt; $adiauthors_ftf

        if ($classno_ftf_114_852_k =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            if ($classno_ftf_115_852_h =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
                my $classno = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                               k =&gt; '999.9999'
            else {
                if ($classno_ftf_115_852_h =~ /^\d\d\d/) {
                    my $classno = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                                   k =&gt; 
                else {
                    my $classno = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                                   k =&gt; '999.9998',
                                                   h =&gt; 
        else {
            if ($classno_ftf_114_852_k =~ /^\d\d\d/) {
                if ($classno_ftf_115_852_h =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
                    $classno_ftf_115_852_h = "";
                my $classno = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                               k =&gt; $classno_ftf_114_852_k,
                                               h =&gt; $classno_ftf_115_852_h
            else {
                if ($classno_ftf_115_852_h =~ /^\d\d\d/) {
                    my $classno = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                                   k =&gt; 
                                                   h =&gt; 
                else {
                    if ($classno_ftf_115_852_h =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
                        $classno_ftf_115_852_h = "";
                    my $classno = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                                   k =&gt; '999.9997',
                                                   h =&gt; 

        if ($pubprice_151_952_r =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) { 
            $pubprice_151_952_r = '';
        if ($dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v =~ /_B_L_A_N_K_/) {
            $dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v = '';
        my @biblionumber_array_tmp = sort @biblionumber_array;
        foreach (@biblionumber_array_tmp) {
            my $biblionumber = $_;
            my $barcode = MARC::Field-&gt;new(
                                           b =&gt; "MAIN",
                                           d =&gt; "MAIN",
                                           p =&gt; $biblionumber,
                                           r =&gt; $pubprice_151_952_r,
                                           u =&gt; $biblionumber,
                                           v =&gt; $dateofentry_ftf_122_952_v
        #print "\n";
        print OUTFILE $record-&gt;as_usmarc();
    else {
        #print $_;

        <para>And finally use koha's <filename>bulkmarcimport.pl</filename>
        script to convert this to SQL.</para>

    <title>Migrating Member Data</title>

        <para>To convert member details to Koha, first I exported member
        database into XML, then wrote a python script to convert it to tab
        separated text file:<programlisting>##cimdtf.py : Convert ISIS Member 
Database to Text File

##Before Parsing :
##Change &amp; to and
##fix problems of &lt;Tag_*&gt; manualy.

##tag = ['Tag_201', 'Tag_202', 'Tag_203', 'Tag_216', 'Tag_217']
##Tag_201 : Name -&gt; firstname
##Tag_202 : Membership number -&gt; cardnumber
##Tag_203 : Division -&gt; streetaddress
##Tag_216 : Status (UG,PG, etc.) -&gt; categorycode
##Tag_217 : Joining date -&gt; dateenrolled

##   CREATE TABLE borrowers (
##01   borrowernumber int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
##02   cardnumber varchar(16) NOT NULL default '', ##Tag_202
##03   surname text NOT NULL, ##Tag_201
##04   firstname text NOT NULL, ##' '
##05   title text, ##' '
##06   othernames text, ##''
##07   initials text NOT NULL, ##''
##08   streetaddress text NOT NULL, ##Tag_203
##09   suburb text, ##NULL
##10   city text NOT NULL, ##Tag_203 (Use this?)
##11   phone text NOT NULL, ##''
##12   emailaddress text, ##''
##13   faxnumber text, ##''
##14   textmessaging text, ##''
##15   altstreetaddress text, ##NULL
##16   altsuburb text, ##NULL
##17   altcity text, ##NULL
##18   altphone text, ##''
##19   dateofbirth date default NULL, ##'0000-00-00'
##20   branchcode varchar(4) NOT NULL default '', ##'MAIN'
##21   categorycode char(2) default NULL, ##Tag_216
##22   dateenrolled date default NULL, ##Tag_217
##23   gonenoaddress tinyint(1) default NULL, ##NULL
##24   lost tinyint(1) default NULL, ##NULL
##25   debarred tinyint(1) default NULL, ##NULL
##26   studentnumber text, ##NULL
##27   school text, #NULL
##28   contactname text, ##' '
##29   borrowernotes text, ##''
##30   guarantor int(11) default NULL, ##NULL
##31   area char(2) default NULL, ##'' or NULL
##32   ethnicity varchar(50) default NULL, ##'' or NULL
##33   ethnotes varchar(255) default NULL, ##'' or NULL
##34   sex char(1) default NULL, ##NULL
##35   expiry date default NULL, ##'0000-00-00'
##36   altnotes varchar(255) default NULL, ##''
##37   altrelationship varchar(100) default NULL, ##'workplace'
##38   streetcity text, ##''
##39   phoneday varchar(50) default NULL, ##''
##40   preferredcont char(1) default NULL, ##NULL
##41   physstreet varchar(100) default NULL, ##''
##42   password varchar(30) default NULL, ##NULL
##43   flags int(11) default NULL, ##NULL
##44   userid varchar(30) default NULL, ##NULL
##45   homezipcode varchar(25) default NULL, ##''
##46   zipcode varchar(25) default NULL, ##''
##47   UNIQUE KEY cardnumber (cardnumber),
##48   KEY borrowernumber (borrowernumber)
## ) ;

import libxml2

record = []

def Record(i, node):
    sub_node = node.children
    while sub_node is not None:
        if sub_node.type == "element":
            record[i][sub_node.name] = sub_node.get_content()
            sub_node = sub_node.next
            sub_node = sub_node.next

## Memory debug specific

isis_data = libxml2.parseFile ('../xmls/members.xml')
root = isis_data.getRootElement()
node = root.children
i = 0
while node is not None:
    if node.type != "element":
        node = node.next
    if node is None:
    if node.name == "RECORD":
        ##print node.get_content()
        Record(i, node)
        i = i + 1
        node = node.next
        print "unhandled node in &lt;isis_xml&gt;: " + node.name


# Memory debug specific
if libxml2.debugMemory(1) == 0:
    print "OK"
    print "Memory leak %d bytes" % (libxml2.debugMemory(1))


output_file = open('../outs/members.txt', 'w')
tag = ['Tag_202', 'Tag_203', 'Tag_216', 'Tag_217']

for j in record:
    if j.has_key('Tag_202') and j.has_key('Tag_201') and j.has_key('Tag_216'):

        output_file.write('\t')                    ##01
        output_file.write(j['Tag_202']+'\t')       ##02
        output_file.write(j['Tag_201']+'\t')       ##03
        output_file.write(' \t')                   ##04
        output_file.write(' \t')                   ##05
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##06
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##07
        if j.has_key('Tag_203'):                   ##08
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##09
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##10
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##11
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##12
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##13
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##14
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##15
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##16
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##17
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##18
        output_file.write('0000-00-00\t')          ##19
        output_file.write('MAIN\t')                ##20
        if j.has_key('Tag_216'):                   ##21
        if j.has_key('Tag_217'):                   ##22
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##23
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##24
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##25
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##26
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##27
        output_file.write(' \t')                   ##28
        output_file.write('\t')                    ##29
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##30
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##31
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##32
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##33
        output_file.write('M\t')                   ##34
        output_file.write('0000-00-00\t')          ##35
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##36
        output_file.write('workplace\t')           ##37
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##38
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##39
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##40
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##41
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##42
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##43
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##44
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##45
        output_file.write('NULL\t')                ##46

        <para>Later to load it into MySQL:</para>

        <para><userinput>LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "members.txt" INTO TABLE

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