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From: Alexander Asteroth
Subject: finalize
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 09:29:29 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.9i

Hello everybody,

it's years since I've been using Sather but I decided to use 
it again in a new project where I have to use a C-backend-library 
which does reference counting. 

Therefore I need to finalize my "wrapper"-Objects (at least 
from time to time).
I tried to implement a finalize method 

   finalize is
      #OUT + "   finalize called on " + self + 
            " ref_count now: " + ref_count + "\n";
      if need_deref then deref
      elsif need_recursiv_deref then recursive_deref

but noticed that it doesn't get called, even if I explicitely 
call SYS::destroy on the corresp. object.

Is there anything that I've done wrong? I dind't sub-type from 
$FINALIZE but it doesn't exit anymore anyway.



Dr. Alexander Asteroth        email:    address@hidden
Universität Bonn              www:
Inst. f. Informatik, Abt. I
Roemerstr. 164                Tel.         (+49) 228 73 4337
53117 Bonn Germany            Fax.:        (+49) 228 73 4321

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