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[Info-gnuts] Unbelievable! U can be healthy!

From: Tartest T. Sunstroke
Subject: [Info-gnuts] Unbelievable! U can be healthy!
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 09:52:18 -0500

Viagra really does let you perform like a teenager again. Go for it, because your sex life will be dramatically improved.

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But what will happen to the foreign woman? I dont imagine she will think much of the idea. I was already dressed for my role, and out of the ship before the landing braces stopped vibrating. It had been a money-makerbut it was all over. No one came near us or even bothered to notice us. The M-19 that was loading these burned out a brake-band,you better see that theyre taken care of. She blanked the video circuits and snapped a query into it. I blew a relaxed smoke ring. When the door opened under my hand I fell through before I realized what had happened.

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