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[Info-gnuts] gnarly

From: Lucas Logan
Subject: [Info-gnuts] gnarly
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 16:36:38 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

I explain why they can't ride back there and that running isn't the best answer. Hopefully, I can continue to raise my running level and someday compete with Dean in an ultra!
We were there forever. That means you work there. If one freed up and the other was too early in the meal, they would have to give it away because you can't wait.
My legs were ready to go but my gut wanted to explode.
"Oh, we don't have any in stock yet so the installer didn't come out today", she says.
DIRECTV manufactures this box?
They wanted to check out the new TGI Friday's.
We are actively working on removing the dirt. However, I took a big long break over the winter and that was a bad move. Frustrated, I hung up and drove over to the dirt piles.
Obviously more cost to them, but better than losing a customer. Unfortunately, there isn't much left to see.
Today was install day. Now, they were tearing up our turf. Plus, the guy played guitar, harmonica, drums. A little sleep brings clarity and now I am writing it off to not being my day. The dirt attracts kids from all over.
People would sit down near us, eat and leave and we are still waiting on food.
Going to focus on biking and swimming.
They took off across our open space.
Remember the local installer told me that they will install once DIRECTV ships the boxes to them. Makes me long for the slower days of summer when I could get out for a long run at lunch. However, then he expressed his displeasure at me chasing down the kids. The chefs at the Blue Spruce cooked a great breakfast buffet.

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