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Setting up gmail

From: Sharon Kimble
Subject: Setting up gmail
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 19:19:57 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Following on from my recent email "Positioning of items" I have all my
gmail-related coding in 'gnus-gmail.el' which is called from '.gnus.el' at the
very end with '(require 'gnus-gmail)'.

'gnus-gmail' contains this -

| (setq gnus-select-method '(nnimap ""
|          '(nnimap "gmail"
|                  (nnimap-stream ssl)
|                  ;(nnir-search-engine imap)
|                  (nnimap-inbox "Inbox")
|                                (nnimap-authinfo-file "~/.authinfo")
|                                 (nnmail-expiry-target 
|                       (nnmail-expiry-wait 90))
|  '(nnimap ""
|              (nnimap-inbox "INBOX")
|              (nnimap-split-methods default)
|              (nnimap-expunge t)
|              (nnimap-stream ssl))))
| (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods '(nnimap "gmail"
|                                                    (nnimap-address 
|                                                    (nnimap-server-port 993)
|                                                    (nnimap-stream ssl)
|                                                    (nnir-search-engine imap)
|                                                    (nnimap-authinfo-file 
|                                                    (nnmail-expiry-target 
|                                                    (nnmail-expiry-wait 90)))
| (setq message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it
|       smtpmail-starttls-credentials '(("" 587 nil nil))
|       smtpmail-auth-credentials '(("" 587 
"" nil))
|       smtpmail-default-smtp-server ""
|       smtpmail-smtp-server ""
|       smtpmail-smtp-service 587 )

When I start off gnus the following shows in my 'message' buffer -

| gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) allocating credentials
| gnutls.c: [2] (Emacs) allocating x509 credentials
| gnutls.c: [2] (Emacs) using default verification flags
| gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) setting the trustfile:  
| gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) gnutls callbacks
| gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) gnutls_init
| gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) got non-default priority string: NORMAL
| gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) setting the priority string
| gnutls.c: [2] ASSERT: gnutls_constate.c:695

Which is then followed with lots of -

| gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) non-fatal error: Resource temporarily unavailable, try 
| gnutls.c: [2] ASSERT: gnutls_handshake.c:2933
| gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) non-fatal error: Resource temporarily unavailable, try 
| gnutls.c: [2] ASSERT: gnutls_handshake.c:2933

I don't know if the above is relevant, but I include it just in case it is.

When I send an email from my talktalk account, this shows in the message buffer

| Opening connection to gmail via tls...
| open-network-stream: gmail/993 Name or service not known

When I try to connect with gmail this shows in the message buffer

| Connecting to
| Opening nnimap server on
| Server previously determined to be down; not retrying
| Opening nnimap server on NO (AUTHENTICATIONFAILED) 
Invalid credentials (Failure)
| Unable to contact server NO (AUTHENTICATIONFAILED) Invalid 
credentials (Failure)

This is the relevant line relating to authinfo -

|  (nnimap-authinfo-file "~/.authinfo")

How then should it be written and where within the codebase please?

I've looked at the '' and searched for various things but have been
unable to find a working example. Its a very good document which fails because
of a lack of a working script that would help new people too. Ah well!

A taste of linux =
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Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs 24.3.1
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