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Re: Gnus and rsync

From: Nuno J. Silva
Subject: Re: Gnus and rsync
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 15:46:59 -0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> nunojsilva@invalid.invalid (Nuno J. Silva) writes:
>> So I've now hit the issue where I have two computers on which I want to
>> keep gnus stuff on-sync.
>> I've tried the simple solution: rsyncing the whole bunch of files (news,
>> mail, .gnus.el, and some other gnus files.
> maybe have a look at unison?  works very well for keeping systems in
> sync.

I will, but AFAICT, from the debugging I made today, the issue is not
rsync, so I'll delay looking unison for a while.

>> Unfortunately, this doesn't work as expected: in some mail folders the
>> unread messages are months old,[...] 

As promised, I tested diffing the rsync files with a plain tarball sync,
and it's the same.

What happens is that, after starting gnus, a lot of NOV files get

Removing every nov folder (*/.nnmaildir/nov, relative to nnmaildir root)
before starting gnus forces gnus to regenerate these, what causes a
slightly long delay but works (that is, now the unread messages are the
same as in the original gnus setup).

Next step seems to be understanding which changes are made to NOV files
so I can know why is this happening...

(Same Gnus and Emacs version on both computers.)
Nuno J. Silva

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