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Re: Registry marks?

From: Slackrat
Subject: Re: Registry marks?
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 05:08:50 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)

Ross A. Laird a écrit profondement:

| I'm having trouble finding out how to use the registry marks.

I don't really know what you require to to, or what effect you want to
produce, but personally, my .gnus has no references to _registry_

| >From what I've read, it seems the above is a good start (is it?).
| The next bit, it seems, is to get the marks to show up in the summary
| buffer, which, from what I've read, involves various steps including this:

Try this -- There are lots of other good examples around if you search
the WWW

;; How I would like various lines to look
(setq gnus-group-line-format "%P %(%~(pad-right 30)G%) unread: %-4N\n"
      gnus-summary-line-format "%U%R%z [%~(cut-left 4)~(max-right 2)~(pad 
2)o-%~(cut-left 6)~(max-right 2)~(pad 2)o %~(cut-left 9)~(max-right 2)~(pad 
2)o:%~(cut-left 11)~(max-right 2)~(pad 2)o] %I %(%z%[%-16,16f%]%) %s\n"
      gnus-topic-line-format "%i[ %0{%(%n (new: %a)%)%} ]\n")

;; Headers that I would like to see
(setq gnus-visible-headers
      (quote ("^From:" "^Newsgroups:" "^Subject:" "^Date:"
              "^Followup-To:" "^Reply-To:" "^Organization:" "^Summary:"
              "^Keywords:" "^To:" "^[BGF]?Cc:" "^Posted-To:" 
              "^Mail-Copies-To:" "^Apparently-To:" "^Gnus-Warning:"
              "^Resent-From:" "^X-Sent:" "^X-Sender:" "^X-Mailer:" "^Xref:" 
              "^X-Newsreader" "^Content-Type:" "^NNTP-Posting-Host:"
              "^X-Originating-IP:" "^X-Original-IP:"  "^X-Yahoo-Profile:")))

Slack Rat
The Original Slacker

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