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Re: HTML Emails

From: Randy Yates
Subject: Re: HTML Emails
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:11:02 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.4.20 (linux)

Randy Yates <> writes:

> Tassilo Horn <> writes:
>> slack-rat <> writes:
>> Hi,
>>> in .gnus, this works for me:
>>> ;; Show the text/plain part of a multipart
>>> (setq mm-discouraged-alternatives
>>>       '("text/html"
>>>     "text/richtext"))
>> This will only preventy you from seeing the html part if a plain text
>> part is present in multipart messages.
>>> ;; I would like gnus to always use Netscape/mozilla/etc 
>>> (setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-firefox)
>> And this affects only which browser to use when hitting RET on a link.
>> I use emacs-w3m [1] to render html mails inside emacs.
>> (setq mm-text-html-renderer 'w3m)
>> (setq mm-inline-text-html-with-images t)
>> (setq mm-inline-large-images t)
> Hi Tasilo,

Sorry, that should be "Tassilo."

> I appreciate your response and the information you provided, but
> I don't want to use w3m. I want to use firefox. This is because
> (correct me if I'm wrong) firefox is more likely to have a more
> complete implementation of html in all of its complexities than
> w3m. 
> I tried substituting "firefox" for "w3m" but that didn't work. It
> also seems there are many "sub-options" for the html rendering and
> the entire mechanism is very confusing to me because I haven't seen
> a document that ties all of these together from a top-level operational
> point-of-view. 
> Any further information would be appreciated.

What I really would like to do is is bit more involved. While I'm
not a total stranger to lisp, my lisp programming skills are weak
(and my familiarity with xemacs/gnus lisp programming isn't all
that great either), so any leads/programming examples would be

What I'd like to do is, when I'm in the summary buffer, have the 
body of all HTML messages suppressed - only the sender, subject,
etc. (i.e., the header) should be displayed. Then if I decide
it's from a trusted source, I'll invoke a key sequence to spawn
firefox to read the message.

How to do?

PS: When I substituted "firefox" for "w3m" I get

  Wrong type argument: listp, firefox

in the minibuffer. 
%  Randy Yates                  % "She's sweet on Wagner-I think she'd die for 
%% Fuquay-Varina, NC            %  She love the way Puccini lays down a tune, 
%%% 919-577-9882                %  Verdi's always creepin' from her room." 
%%%% <>           % "Rockaria", *A New World Record*, ELO

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