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Re: expanding the article window

From: Daniel C. Bastos
Subject: Re: expanding the article window
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:13:55 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1.50 (berkeley-unix) (Daniel C. Bastos) writes:

> "Steven E. Harris" <> writes:
>> (Daniel C. Bastos) writes:
>> > But = expands the summary window; I'd like to expand the article
>> > window. I wish I would press something like ``='' and kill the tree
>> > window, or make the article window take the whole frame.
>> Yes, I know; I was too terse. I meant that while C-x 0 works, it doesn't
>> work as conveniently as = which, unfortunately, does the wrong thing,
>> meaning that it would be nice to have a single non-shifted character key
>> binding that does what you're describing. We're in agreement here.
> I just quickly looked into emacs macros: info: Basic Keyboard Macro. I
> defined a macro with ``C-x ( h C-x 1 C-x )'' which switches to the
> article window with h and then makes the buffer take the whole frame. I
> can now run that with C-x e. If I could bind this macro to a non-shifted
> key, then we're done. Ideas?

Here's what I did: first I downloaded and installed the new gnu emacs:
directly from the cvs repository --- not that this was required, but I
was reading the info files of the gnu emacs 22.1.1 and the one I was
using for news was 21.x and the instructions I was getting was not
making sense on the 21.x. Also, I missed M-x info-apropos in 21.x which
was what kept me from reading the info files on it. I don't know how to
search through the info files very well.

Now with the gnu emacs 22.1.1, I defined the macro as above, then I ran
C-x C-k n to give it a name: I called it


Then I ran M-x insert-kbd-macro to get the macro's definition in lisp
code. Then I wrote in my .emacs:

(fset 'gnus-article-expand-article-window
   (lambda (&optional arg) "Keyboard macro." (interactive "p")
         (kmacro-exec-ring-item (quote ("h^X1" 0 "%d")) arg)))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c e") 'gnus-article-expand-article-window)

It's not what we want, but at least now we don't have to define the
macro et every session. How can we bind this macro to a non-shifted key
that would work only when in the summary of articles in gnus?

Warning: I had a non-printable ^X in the code above which I replaced by
a printable ^X.

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