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Re: pgg-sign(encrypt)-region works but sign tag is ignored

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: Re: pgg-sign(encrypt)-region works but sign tag is ignored
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 17:05:18 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) XEmacs/21.4.18 (linux)

>>>>> "Katsumi" == Katsumi Yamaoka <> writes:

>>>>> In <> Uwe Brauer wrote:

   Katsumi> Please do some tests.  For every Elisp form, copy it to the
   Katsumi> *scratch* buffer and type `C-j' at the rightmost position of the
   Katsumi> last line.

   Katsumi> 1. Check whether the `with-syntax-table' macro, which
   Katsumi>    `mml-parse' uses, works.

   Katsumi> (let ((table (copy-syntax-table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table)))
   Katsumi>   (modify-syntax-entry ?= " " table)
   Katsumi>   (with-temp-buffer
   Katsumi>     (with-syntax-table table
   Katsumi>       (insert "foo=bar")
   Katsumi>       (goto-char (point-min))
   Katsumi>       (forward-sexp 1)
   Katsumi>       (eolp))))

   Katsumi>    It should return nil.  There is still a known bug in XEmacs
  it works

   Katsumi> 2. Check whether the `mml-parse' function parses a MML tag.

   Katsumi> (with-temp-buffer
   Katsumi>   (insert "<#secure method=pgpmime mode=sign>\n")
   Katsumi>   (goto-char (point-min))
   Katsumi>   (require 'mml)
   Katsumi>   (mml-parse))

   Katsumi>    It should return:

   Katsumi>    ((part (sign . "pgpmime") (tag-location . 1) (contents . "")))

It does
   Katsumi>    If the `with-syntax-table' macro doesn't work, you will not
   Katsumi>    get this.

   Katsumi> 3. Check whether a MML function generates a signed message.

   Katsumi> (with-temp-buffer
   Katsumi>   (mml-generate-mime-1 '(part (sign . "pgpmime")
   Katsumi>                           (tag-location . 1)
   Katsumi>                           (contents . "testing.\n")))
   Katsumi>   (buffer-string))

   Katsumi>    It should return a signed message.

It does and right now *everything* seems to work :) I am really
puzzled. Thanks for all your help and sorry for this. I don't know
what is up. :(


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