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Re: Gnus to handle news: and mailto: URLs from external sources?

From: Karl Kleinpaste
Subject: Re: Gnus to handle news: and mailto: URLs from external sources?
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 15:10:57 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) XEmacs/21.5-b25 (linux)

Kurt Swanson <direct@reply.not.desired> writes:
> something to send to gnus via gnuserv.  Obviously I would like to
> handle all the extensions (for example "?subject=xxx" for mailto:) Has
> anyone attempted this before?  Any pointers?

This script serves me for basic command startup (in my gnome init) and
handling mailto: links in FF.  I have it as /usr/local/bin/gnus.

In gnome's Preferences->More Prefs->Preferred Applications, I set the
mail reader to "custom" with "gnus %s".  Embellish to taste.  Also see
the FF extension "mozex" for utterly generalized access to oodles of
stuff, including (famously) using gnuclient as an editor for HTML form
text boxes.

Gnus' handling of mailto: extensions is automatic.

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:"$PATH"
if [ "$1" = "" ] ; then
    exec xemacs -geometry 90x40 -f gnus-init
    if gnuclient -batch -eval t >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
        exec gnuclient -batch -eval "(progn (gnus-url-mailto \"$1\") 
        exec xemacs -geometry 90x40 \
            -eval "(progn (require 'gnus-art) (gnus-url-mailto \"$1\") 
(font-lock-mode 1) (not-modified))"
exec xmessage -center No XEmacs or gnuclient
echo no xemacs, no gnuclient, no xmessage
exit 1

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