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Re: How to change name to the draft group?

From: Nelson Ferreira
Subject: Re: How to change name to the draft group?
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 17:34:03 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) SXEmacs/22.1.3 (linux)

"romeomedina" == romeomedina  <> writes:

    romeomedina> I'd like to change the draft group's name, which is
    romeomedina> 'nndraft:drafts' by default, into another one at my
    romeomedina> pleasure.  Is it possible? I couldn't find any cue in
    romeomedina> Gnus Manual.

Actually, the nndraft group names are hard-coded in the Gnus
code, so one would have to tweak the code to use (ideally) a
custom variable in gnus-start.el, gnus-art.el, gnus-draft.el,
gnus-registry.el, gnus-sum.el, message.el, nnagent.el, nndraft.el,
nnmail.el .


Nelson Ferreira

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