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Re: Automatic retrieval of certificates (S/MIME)

From: David S. Goldberg
Subject: Re: Automatic retrieval of certificates (S/MIME)
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 10:46:40 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) XEmacs/21.4.15 (cygwin32)

>>>>> On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 12:25:12 +0100, Simon Josefsson
>>>>> <> said:

>> If/when that happens, would the pgg interface then take care of
>> this?

> No, but a separate Gnus<->gpgsmime interface could be written.

Darn :-)

> Also, the current smime.el could perhaps be extended to use
> password.el to do password caching.

Hmmm.  That might be something even I could try to implement.

>>> You can specify the key/cert in the MML tags, if that is what you
>>> meant.  See 'MML Definition' in the Emacs MIME manual.  You can say,
>>> e.g.:
>>> <#part sign=smime keyfile="~/cacert.user.key">
>> I use <#multipart> which ends up being a complete replacement the
>> <#secure> tag in that the signature applies to the entire message.
>> I've never got the <#secure> tat to work if there are multiple
>> recipients.

> It might be a bug.

I've asked about this on the ding-list a couple times over the years.
If there is a bug, it's that, when using the <#secure> tag it only
ever prompts for one key and it never tells you for which recipient
it's prompting.  Last time I brought it up I attempted to understand
the code and add that capability.  I never was able to, and so went
with building my own solution.

Dave Goldberg

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