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Re: bogofilter behavior

From: Matthias Andree
Subject: Re: bogofilter behavior
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2004 09:30:02 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Harry Putnam <> writes:

> Reiner Steib <> writes:
>> ,----[ bogofilter(1) ]
>> |    The  -S  option  tells   bogofilter  to  register  the  text
>> |    presented  on standard  input as  spam and  to undo  a prior
>> |    registration of the same message as non-spam.
>> |
>> |    The  -N  option  tells   bogofilter  to  register  the  text
>> |    presented on standard input as  non-spam and to undo a prior
>> |    registration of the same message as spam.
>> `----
> Reiner on a closer look at the above citation I see it is direct
> conflict with my man page.  Where did you get that from?

Reiner may have looked at an oldish version perhaps. bogofilter options
have changed in the past - and that's one of the reasons why
bogofilter's version still has a 0 in front although it is closing up on
its 2nd anniversary.

Matthias Andree

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