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Re: nnir problems

From: Sebastian N. Fischmeister
Subject: Re: nnir problems
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 14:23:37 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)


I fixed my setup according to the instructions in nnir.el. However,
now I get the error some other people already got and solved
(unfortunately, they did not publish the solution in the newsgroup).

Case 1:

A search that seems to work (a simple word) produces an error here:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "nnheader-parse-head returned nil for 
article 7 in group mail.unimail")
  signal(error ("nnheader-parse-head returned nil for article 7 in group 
  error("nnheader-parse-head returned nil for article %s in group %s" 7 

buffer *nntpd*  shows the message "463 Bad Article Number"

Case 2

The same query, but I show all messages (too many messages
found). This error seems common, no idea what to do about it.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
  aset(nil 0 1)
  (mail-header-set-number novitem idx)
  (while (not (null artlist)) (setq art (car artlist)) (or (numberp art) 
(nnheader-report ... "nnir-retrieve-headers doesn't grok message ids: %s" art)) 
(setq artitem (nnir-artlist-article nnir-artlist art)) (setq artrsv 
(nnir-artitem-rsv artitem)) (setq artfullgroup (nnir-artitem-group artitem)) 
(setq artno (nnir-artitem-number artitem)) (setq artgroup (gnus-group-real-name 
artfullgroup)) (setq server (nnir-group-server artfullgroup)) (set-buffer 
nntp-server-buffer) (nnir-possibly-change-server server) (case (setq foo ...) 
(nov ... ... ...) (headers ... ... ...) (t ...)) (mail-header-set-number 
novitem idx) (mail-header-set-from novitem (mail-header-from novitem)) 
(mail-header-set-subject novitem (format "[%d: %s/%d] %s" artrsv artgroup artno 
...)) (push novitem novdata) (setq artlist (cdr artlist)) (setq idx (1+ idx)))

Example output of *nnir* looks like this:

1000 /home/sfischme/Mail/sent-mail/2004-07/6 "6" 4312
995 /home/sfischme/Mail/mail/other/492 "492" 6644
989 /home/sfischme/Mail/mail/other/70 "70" 4104

Does anyone know, how I can get nnir up and running?

Thanks a lot,

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