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Hiding boring headers.

From: Richard Wellum
Subject: Hiding boring headers.
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 15:29:15 -0700


I am trying to remove all the boring headers from when I view my mail,
unnecessfully so far. I have tried about three peoples suggestions -
nothing seems to work. Hitting 't' when reading the message does nothing
- the only way is to select 'treatment - hide headers' from the
menu-bar. Here are the ways I've tried according to people's

First attempt:

;;(setq gnus-sorted-header-list '("^Date:" "^From:" "^Reply-To:"
;;                                "^Followup-To:" "^Subject:"
;;                                "^To:" "^Cc:" "^Newsgroups:"))
;;(setq gnus-visible-headers gnus-sorted-header-list)

Second attempt:

;; The headers that are shown for messages or news-articles.
;; (setq gnus-visible-headers '("^From:" "^Date:" "^Subject:" "^To:" "^Cc:"
;;                           "^Followup-To:" "^Reply-To:" "^Newsgroups:"))
;; The order of headers shown in article buffers.
;; (setq gnus-sorted-header-list '("^Date:" "^From:" "^Reply-To:"
;;                              "^Followup-To:" "^Subject:"
;;                              "^To:" "^Cc:" "^Newsgroups:"))

Final attempt:

(setq message-required-mail-headers
  '(From Date Subject))

(setq message-required-news-headers
  '(From Date Newsgroups Subject))

(setq gnus-visible-headers

(setq gnus-ignored-headers "^References:\\|^Xref:")

Nothing works. Any ideas?



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